Global Church News
Thought for Ascension Thursday
May 05, 2016
The Feast of the Ascension strikes many Christians as the poor relative of the two rather bigger celebrations which top and tail the long and joyful season of Eastertide: Easter itself, and Pentecost.
Iraqi Christians grateful, yet uneasy following foiled Islamic State attack
May 05, 2016
After Islamic State militants broke through Kurdish army forces Tuesday, killing one American and three Kurdish fighters, local Christians voiced grat
Fr. Tom still missing, but bishop hopeful about his release
May 05, 2016
Two months after being kidnapped in Yemen, Salesian priest Tom Uzhunnalil remains missing, although a bishop involved in his case remains hopeful about his timely release.
Cardinal Tagle to HIV patients: Have courage, keep faith
May 05, 2016
Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila has told people with HIV to have courage and “never lose their faith.”
World must respond to Islamic State genocide actions
May 05, 2016
While religious freedom in much of the Middle East is under siege and the civil war in Syria seems to have no end in sight, Carl Anderson, CEO of the Knights of Columbus, and others called the United Nations to action.
Australian report excoriates Indonesia, church over Papua
May 05, 2016
Church officials in Indonesia welcomed a report by an Australian archdiocese that criticizes the country for persistent human rights abuses in West Pa
Reflections on Christians and Persecution in Northern Nigeria
May 05, 2016
In Nigeria, as well as many other parts of Africa with significant Muslim populations, the persecution of Christians has long been familiar, its successive waves characterized only by variations in themes, levels of violence, and scope—but not in essence.
After burying woman alive, authorities in China return land to her church
May 04, 2016
Less than two weeks after a Christian woman died after she was buried alive at a forced church demolition, local authorities ruled that the disputed land where the incident took place belongs to the Beitou Church and its pastor.
Philippine politicians sign honest poll covenant
May 04, 2016
Candidates in this month's elections signed a covenant for "truthful, responsible, upright, transparent, and honest" polls during a Mass led by Cardin
Pakistan honours Christian politician in new postage stamp
May 04, 2016
Pakistan Post issued a commemorative postage stamp honouring Dewan Bahadur S P Singha, a Christian leader who, as a Member of the Punjab Assembly, supported the partition of British India and the creation of Pakistan in 1947.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD