Global Church News
Punjab: Muslims fund the construction of a Catholic church
May 03, 2016
In a show of generosity, Muslim farmers have contributed to the fundraising efforts of Catholics who are building a church in Khalsabad, a village (chak in Urdu), near Gojra, Punjab province.
May Day in India: Justice and mercy in the workplace
May 03, 2016
May Day celebration this year “is all the more important as the universal Church celebrates the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy,” said Mgr Oswald Lewis, bishop of Jaipur and president of the Labour Commission of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI), in a message to mark the annual event.
Mainland China has 112 bishops, 99 in active ministry
May 03, 2016
The latest statistics of the Catholic Church in China compiled by Hong Kong Diocese's Holy Spirit Study Centre shows the number of "open" bishops or t
Fr Daniel Berrigan, anti-war and pro-life campaigner, dies aged 94
May 02, 2016
Fr Daniel Berrigan, the American Jesuit and radical political activist, has died at the age of 94.
Nigerian cardinal unhurt after being shot at by gunme
May 02, 2016
Cardinal John Onaiyekan, the Archbishop of Abuja, Nigeria, was shot at by gunmen while travelling in the country’s Edo state last week.
Archbishop tells Canada: Accepting refugees won’t help Syria
May 02, 2016
Archbishop Jean-Clément Jeanbart, Melkite Catholic archbishop of Aleppo, Syria, has said he would like to see Canada help Syrians to stay in Syria instead of accepting them as refugees.
Indian bishop released after being kidnapped and assaulted by unknown attackers
May 02, 2016
A Catholic bishop in southern India was kidnapped and assaulted by unknown attackers demanding money.
Why Iraq wasn't what I thought
May 02, 2016
Loai Behnam Toubia pulls up his shirt, uncovering a thick, dark scar – probably 10 inches long – that tears vertically down his large, round belly.
Intervene in Christian genocide: 400,000 bring plea to UN
May 01, 2016
Advocates delivered hundreds of thousands of signatures to the United Nations on Friday, calling on the body to declare that genocide is occurring against Christians and other religious minorities.
At the Supreme Court, Catholic bishops speak up for a Lutheran playground
Apr 30, 2016
The denial of a playground resurfacing grant to a Lutheran school empowers religious discrimination, not constitutional principles, the U.S. Catholic bishops said in a Supreme Court brief.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD