Global Church News
In Chile, massive Marian pilgrimage to open Year of Mercy
Dec 05, 2015
The Preacher of the Pontifical Household’s first sermon for the Advent season was a striking reminder of the Christian’s need to love Christ and to see the Church as his body and spouse.
Jaro Religious takes vocation promotions to the streets
Dec 04, 2015
In today’s highly-modernized world, where religious life is becoming less of an option for young people, religious men and women in this archdiocese literally went to the highways and the byways to tell the youth that religious life is still very much alive and relevant as part of “Vocation Days 2015” from Nov. 23 to 30.
Priest's aid effort provide eduction in rural Cambodia
Dec 04, 2015
The non-profit organization AMATAK House of Cambodia founded by Fr. Fumio Goto of Kichijoji Catholic Church in Musashino in Tokyo has been building schools for children in rural Cambodia since 1995.
Ugandans give rapturous welcome to Pope Francis
Dec 04, 2015
From the moment he stepped off the plane at Entebbe airport, the Ugandans gave Pope Francis a rapturous welcome and in a thousand ways demonstrated their immense joy and happiness that he had come to visit them.
Climate summit dialogue must include the poorest sectors of society
Dec 04, 2015
The international community is facing a stark and serious choice, "either to improve or to destroy the environment," Pope Francis said, referring to the upcoming climate change summit in Paris.
Significance of the Holy Door
Dec 04, 2015
By opening the Holy Door and the Jubilee Year of Mercy in the cathedral, Francis broke with a centuries-old tradition, and for a very good reason — peace and reconciliation in a country in conflict and deep trouble.
Pope works for peace in Africa
Dec 04, 2015
Pope Francis put peace and reconciliation in the Central African Republic at the centre of international attention by his visit here, Nov 29-30.
Diocese hires graffiti artist for the Year of Mercy
Dec 04, 2015
The Diocese of Brentwood has commissioned a piece of graffiti art for the Year of Mercy.
Spain's Catholics protest blasphemous art exhibit, but city council won't act
Dec 04, 2015
Despite protests from thousands of Spaniards opposed to the desecration of the Eucharist, the Pamplona city council has failed to pass a proposal to remove a sacrilegious art exhibit from a publicly funded exhibition hall.
US Senate votes to defund Planned Parenthood, but veto is expected
Dec 04, 2015
The United States Senate voted Thursday to pass a bill that would defund Planned Parenthood, though the White House has said President Obama will veto the legislation.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi