Global Church News
Archdiocese: News reports distorted Newark archbishop's efforts to guide priests
Oct 18, 2015
A memo from the Archbishop of Newark to his priests on the reception of the Eucharist aimed to provide guidance amid the challenges of modern life, but was “taken wildly out of context” in media reports.
A tough synod topic: the 'silent martyrdom' of incest, abuse in families
Oct 17, 2015
Violence, incest and sexual abuse within the family were among the issues addressed by synod fathers in their most recent talks, as well as the Church's role in bringing light to difficult situations.
Men and women are complementary – but what does that look like in practice?
Oct 17, 2015
The idea that men and women are different and complementary has been part of the Catholic Church from its beginning.
Why one Irish archbishop has a special devotion to the Little Flower family
Oct 17, 2015
As members of one Martin family are about to be canonized on Sunday, another Martin family prepares to celebrate in Rome.
Caritas Pakistan marks 50 years of service in South Asia
Oct 16, 2015
Hundreds of Catholics in Pakistan gathered last month for a Mass of Thanksgiving which kicked off celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of Caritas Pakistan, part of the worldwide confederation of Catholic relief organizations.
Synod turns to more tough issues
Oct 16, 2015
The Synod of Bishops is debating the third part of the Instrumentum Laboris, on “The Mission of the Family Today,” which includes some of the most delicate issues.
Violence escalates in the Middle East
Oct 16, 2015
The number of killings and shootings in Israel has increased dramatically in the last couple of weeks.
'Confess-a-thon' at Colombian mall draws 350 priests
Oct 16, 2015
In the South American nation of Colombia, 350 priests congregated at the mall to offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation in a “Confess-a-thon”.
Naming the unknown martyr: could these remains be St. John Plessington?
Oct 16, 2015
The English priest St. John Plessington was among dozens martyred because of an anti-Catholic hoax in the seventeenth century.
Pro-abortion madness in Argentina: half-naked activists attack cathedral
Oct 16, 2015
A mob of violent abortion supporters attempted to desecrate an Argentine cathedral and threw stones and bottles at Catholics praying the rosary.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD