Global Church News
Will Pope Francis be safe in America?
Sep 22, 2015
Security for Pope Francis' three-city tour of America, which kicks off Tuesday, will involve tens of thousands of police, military and counterterrorism personnel operating under the umbrella of the Secret Service — which went all the way to Rome to research how to protect the pontiff.
Welcome to our big, messy religious debate, Pope Francis
Sep 22, 2015
As a spiritual leader with a political bent, you have picked an incredibly, um, interesting time to make your maiden voyage to the United States.
Francis retires to papal residence in Havana
Sep 21, 2015
Pope Francis has retired to the residence of the papal ambassador after a busy day in Havana.
Pope Francis shares rare English-language greeting ahead of U.S. visit
Sep 21, 2015
Days before his three-city tour of the United States, Pope Francis shared a rare English-language greeting with the City of Brotherly Love:
A changing American church awaits visit from Pope Francis
Sep 21, 2015
When Pope Francis arrives in the United States on Tuesday, he'll greet a flock in transformation, its future tied to the growing influence of Hispanic immigrants and a generational decline in religious affiliation.
Pope says society must protect most vulnerable, including unborn
Sep 21, 2015
Pope Francis on Sunday called on society to protect its "smallest" and most vulnerable members, including the unborn.
Pope Francis focuses on the individual in Cuban mass
Sep 21, 2015
Early Sunday morning, hundreds of thousands of Cubans gathered in the Plaza de la Revolución in the dark, waiting for Pope Francis.
Reporter swaps skullcaps with Pope Francis
Sep 21, 2015
More than three years have passed since Archbishop Chaput held a little press briefing in the rectory of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul to tell a few reporters – me among them – that Pope Benedict had chosen Philadelphia to host the 2015 World Meeting of Families.
Pope Francis careful in navigating Cuban politics
Sep 21, 2015
Revolution Square is the political stage of revolutionary Cuba. Fidel Castro held huge rallies here to castigate the imperialists up north.
Pope Francis sits down with Raul Castro in Havana
Sep 21, 2015
Amid the celebrations and public speeches, the meeting Sunday between Pope Francis and Cuban President Raúl Castro seemed staid by comparison.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD