Global Church News
Indonesian Bishops unite in appeal to end divisions
Nov 25, 2017
Indonesian bishops ended their 10-day annual meeting in Jakarta on Nov. 16 with a pastoral message emphasizing the urgent need for Catholics to help p
Civil groups insist on pro-people issues at ASEAN summit
Nov 25, 2017
A conference of civil society organizations in Southeast Asia is demanding the inclusion of people’s issues in discussions at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit this week.
Understanding the religious context of Bangladesh and Myanmar
Nov 25, 2017
Both countries that Pope Francis is to visit have seen waves of religious persecution. In Bangladesh, violence is generally directed against Hindus and Buddhists by Muslims while in Buddhist-majority Myanmar, it is against Muslims, particularly the Rohingya people who are related to Bangladeshi Bengalis.
Jakarta governor speech prompts mass walkout
Nov 24, 2017
Dozens of alumni of a prestigious Jesuit run high school in Jakarta walked out in protest when the city’s governor, Anies Rasyid Baswedan, attended an event to mark the school's 90th anniversary on Nov. 12.
Pope Francis: Trekking his way to the fringes of the Catholic Church
Nov 24, 2017
Religion increasingly informs politics in both countries with fundamentalism and intolerance a clear and present danger
Pope to meet General in charge of Rohingya clearance operations
Nov 24, 2017
Rohingya political leader says dialogue with military could advance hope for peace and reconciliation
Cardinal D'Rozario: Pope’s principal aim in Dhaka trip is not the Rohingya
Nov 24, 2017
The pontiff will visit Bangladesh from 30 November to 2 December. "The pope expressed the desire to come two years ago, when the refugee crisis had not broken out." Over 620,000 Muslims have fled the Rakhine State in Myanmar.
Youth in Myanmar, Bangladesh find meaning in Pope Francis' visit
Nov 24, 2017
The pontiff is expected to take the 'pulse' of young people ahead of next year’s Synod of Youth in the Vatican
Praise for Pope's move to meet Rohingya refugees
Nov 24, 2017
The pontiff is taking bold steps during his trip that make it his most overtly political one so far

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD