Global Church News
Pope John XXIII a testimony to 'the strength of goodness'
Oct 11, 2017
The life of Pope John XXIII shows the saint's deep spiritual nature, as well as his great kindness towards others, said a cardinal who knew him well.
Cardinal Bertone talks about the third secret of Fatima
Oct 11, 2017
The third secret of Fatima deals with past events, but at the same time, its call to conversion is always current, always up to date, said Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican Secretary of State emeritus.
Contemplative religious sisters are coming to this English diocese
Oct 11, 2017
The Diocese of Lancaster announced Friday that the Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest, an order of contemplative religious sisters, are being welcomed into the diocese with the aim of inspiring a model of prayer and vocation within the local Church.
Former Vietnamese refugee appointed Bishop in US
Oct 10, 2017
Vietnamese-American priest has become Orange Diocese's second Vietnamese auxiliary Bishop
'On earth as it is in Heaven': The brave history of the Korean Church in Vatican exhibit
Oct 10, 2017
In the Charlemagne wing until November 17th. The 230-year-old Churchin Korea is a "story of martyrdom and action" to accomplish divine will on earth. The "spontaneous" beginnings, the century of persecution and commitment to human rights. Executive director: An unknown story that moves and "ignites" the Church of the West.
'Caught in the Net': The 24th World Congress of the Apostleship of the Sea in Taiwan
Oct 10, 2017
Held from October 1 to 7. A telegram from Pope Francis and the intervention of Card. Turkson. The drama of fishermen, often underpaid and forced laborers in the hands of criminal organizations. On the island, four service and training centres for fishermen and sailors.
Catholic Bishops denounce burning of Hindu deities in Mizoram: It is fundamentalism
Oct 10, 2017
Young Protestant Christians set ablaze images of deities and the Indian national flag. Msgr. Mascarenhas: “We are shocked that anyone could show disrespect to members of another religion in the name of Christ.” “Religion is meant for building bridges.”
Philippine military warns Bishops on helping witnesses of killings
Oct 10, 2017
Philippine military warned Catholic Church leaders to be "discerning" in offering help to policemen and witnesses who wanted to reveal information about killings linked to President Rodrigo Duterte's deadly drug war.
Cardinal D’Rozario: Pope’s visit to Bangladesh, “a pilgrimage to the soul of the people”
Oct 09, 2017
The Vatican announced on August 28 that Pope Francis will make a two-nation apostolic visit to Asia.
Hundreds of thousands pray Rosary at Polish border
Oct 09, 2017
Faithful pray from the Baltic Sea coast in the north to the mountains in the south

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD