Global Church News
Samkuru Vani: A child bride freed thanks to Salesian 'Angels of Mercy'
Oct 03, 2017
She is now studying technology in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. Her family had chosen her destiny: a child bride, a wife and a mother. But she rebelled and was almost tortured to death. Her salvation came through education and the loving care of Salesians.
Iraqi Church leaders pray for peace after Kurdish referendum
Oct 02, 2017
Church leaders have expressed anxiety over a Kurdish vote for independence in a recent referendum, saying Kurdistan’s decision to split from Iraq could prompt more conflict and uncertainty in a region that has already faced immeasurable suffering in recent years.
In Bologna, Pope calls on Italy and Europe to valorize humanism
Oct 02, 2017
"I encourage you to valorize this humanism of which you are the depositary to seek wise and far-sighted solutions to the complex problems of our time, seeing them as a difficulty, but also as opportunities for growth and improvement. What I say is valid for Italy as a whole and for the whole of Europe."
Bangladeshi Bishops visit Rohingya camps, promise aid
Oct 01, 2017
Church leaders emphasize ‘solidarity’ and ‘lasting solution’ to humanitarian crisis.
Freed priest meets prime minster, prays for his captors
Oct 01, 2017
Kerala priest Father Thomas Uzhunnalil was released earlier this month by his captors after more than 18 months.
Jakarta Archdiocese opens Parish named after Korean Martyr
Sep 29, 2017
A Parish in Jakarta has been dedicated to St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon (1821-1846) who was Korea's first native priest, making it the first Indonesian parish whose patron is not a European saint.
Archbishop Hon transferred from Vatican to Greece
Sep 29, 2017
Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-fai, the top Chinese official at the Holy See, has been appointed the apostolic nuncio to Greece
Vietnamese Diocese under pressure, takes Fatima message to heart
Sep 29, 2017
In the face of growing state harassment, a diocese in northern Vietnam has launched a campaign to honor the message of Fatima, reciting the Rosary and praying for worldwide peace.
New boys' choir CD explores rich music of Mary
Sep 29, 2017
Boys’ choirs have been a tradition in the Catholic Church since the Middle Ages, when men and women did not sing together in public, and boys’ higher-pitched voices were needed to round out the sound of sacred music used at Mass.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD