Global Church News
Emeritus Bishop of Multan: His paralysed legs have not stopped him
Jan 17, 2017
Mgr Andrew Francis celebrated 45 years of priesthood. He praised Christians who struggle for their faith. In 1996, he survived an assassination attempt, whilst in 2013, a car accident left him disabled. But for him, “there is no downside in my life."
Filipino Catholics cling on to faith amid hardships
Jan 17, 2017
Filipinos open themselves to the "divine" every time they celebrate a religious festival, whether it is to honor an image of a newly-born Jesus or a suffering one.
Cardinal Caffarra explains the reasons behind the dubia
Jan 17, 2017
In an interview with an Italian daily published Saturday, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra discussed at length the questions which exist about the interpretati
Mangalore hosts tenth national meeting of young Catholics
Jan 17, 2017
The next national meeting of young Indian Catholics will be held in Mangalore January 18 to 22. This is the 10th edition of the National Youth Convent
Release of China's new religious regulations imminent
Jan 17, 2017
A top Chinese official has disclosed that the newly amended religious affairs regulations will be released imminently and the State Administration of Religious Affairs (SARA) plans to focus on enforcement.
Indonesian Christians voice religious freedom concerns
Jan 16, 2017
National rights commission report says number of violation complaints is on the rise.
Malta’s Bishops tell the remarried: Take Communion if you feel at peace with God
Jan 16, 2017
The bishops say that avoiding sex may be 'humanly impossible'
Missing priest is found dead in Mexico
Jan 16, 2017
Fr Joaquin Hernandez Sifuentes 'looked for perfection in everything he did', his diocese said
Buddhists destroy a church in Sri Lanka, Christians continue to pray under a tree
Jan 16, 2017
"No attack can stop us. We shall continue to love God and pray under a tree," said Kamal Wasantha, leader of a small Christian community in Sri Lanka.
Following Pope Francis, the Archdiocese of Saigon promotes the pastoral care of migrants
Jan 16, 2017
The Archdiocese of Ho Chi Minh City has responded to Pope Francis’s appeal and sponsored a week for migrants with the participation of thousands of people, Catholics and non-Catholics.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD