Global Church News
Leonardo Boff: ‘Pope Francis may soon allow Brazil to have married priests’
Jan 04, 2017
The Liberal Theologian said the Pope wants to fulfil a request made by Brazil's bishops
Diocese opens sainthood cause for Ohio woman renowned for healing gifts
Jan 04, 2017
It was standing-room-only at the Mass to officially open the cause for Rhoda Wise
Cardinal Dolan to deliver Bible reading at Trump inauguration
Jan 04, 2017
Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States on January 20
Terminally ill US Army sergeant who met Pope Francis dies
Jan 04, 2017
Cheryl Tobin was blessed by the Pope during a general audience in May
For the Apostolic vicar to Nepal, 2017 will be dedicated to strengthening the family
Jan 04, 2017
Mgr Paul Simick, apostolic vicar of Nepal, has announced that 2017 will be a year dedicated to the family and to stronger spirituality among Catholics.
Manila mercy meeting an 'opportunity for healing'
Jan 04, 2017
Philippine bishop hopes upcoming international gathering will help persuade Duterte to end drug related killings
An old anti-Catholic law has resurfaced in Georgia
Jan 04, 2017
An amendment from the 1870s that was once used to target Catholics is now being invoked in Georgia once again to challenge a scholarship program allow
World’s tallest Christmas tree in Colombo together with Buddhists and Muslims
Jan 03, 2017
After a dispute of several weeks, the tallest Christmas tree in the world – 100 metres and 800,000 LED bulbs – was “turned on” in Colombo.
Philippine Bishop attacks Duterte in New Year homily
Jan 03, 2017
Conference chief Archbishop Socrates Villegas calls on Catholics to oppose death penalty, drug killings
Most imams in France forbid greetings at Christmas and New Year
Jan 03, 2017
Hocine Drouiche, a French imam in Nîmes and deputy chairman of the French Imam Conference, slams this attitude and all those who claim that Islam is a religion of peace, but deem season’s greetings as "an insult".

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD