Global Church News
Beware 'polite persecution,' Archbishop warns
Jun 23, 2016
With relics of two English martyrs currently touring the U.S., the Archbishop of Baltimore implored Catholics to follow their example by defending rel
For Iraqi Priest, the Chaldean meeting leads to “new paths” to give hope to people
Jun 23, 2016
The two-day event brought a "strong human and spiritual charge", said Fr Samir Yousef, pastor in Amadiya. The Church remains an essential point of reference for exchange and mediation. Mercy is the basis of a “future of unity”.
Amman closes Syrian border after attack on refugee camp leaves six soldiers dead
Jun 23, 2016
Jordanian authorities have declared border regions with Syria and Iraq"closed military zones".
Azerbaijan, Armenia Presidents pledge peace ahead of Pope's visit
Jun 22, 2016
As Pope Francis prepares to visit the region, the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan have confirmed their readiness to seek a peaceful solution to their conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
Catholics who actually read the Bible – one woman's online ministry
Jun 22, 2016
she’s the Creative Director for “Blessed is She,” an online women’s ministry for Catholic women.
Maronite bishops: ‘Christian presence in Middle East must be preserved’
Jun 22, 2016
The bishops released a statement at the conclusion of their synod in which they rejected a partitioning of the Middle East
Christians hold ecumenical prayer to wake up humanity against terrorism
Jun 22, 2016
Some 2,000 Bangladeshi Christians, from various denominations, gathered to condemn Islamic terrorism, which has left a long trail of blood across the country, and pray for humanity to wake up.
Vacation Bible School is a light in darkness for Syrian children
Jun 22, 2016
For children growing up in Aleppo, Syria, life is anything but easy. In a city devastated civil war, bombings are common and death is never far away.
Notre Dame returns to its roots with 'faith and reason' center in Ireland
Jun 22, 2016
The Fighting Irish are headed to the Emerald Isle, with plans to establish a new center for dialogue between faith and reason in Dublin.
Now touring America: Two English saints who died for their faith
Jun 22, 2016
A relic tour currently taking place in the United States highlights the virtues of two English saints who stood up for conscience and paid the ultimate price.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD