Global Church News
For the nuncio in Moscow, relations are growing after 25 years
Mar 30, 2016
Mgr Ivan Jurkovic, 64, ends his tenure as apostolic nuncio to the Russian Federation by the end of this month to take up the post of Holy See permanen
For Vicar of Arabia, Fr Tom is still alive; rumours of his crucifixion are false
Mar 30, 2016
There are "strong" signs that Fr Tom Uzhunnalil, the Indian priest held by Jihadists since 4 March after they attacked the compound of the Missionaries of Charity in Aden, is "still alive”, said Mgr Paul Hinder, Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia.
The miracle of conversions and baptisms in China
Mar 30, 2016
On Easter night, more than 100 adults were baptised in Beijing’s Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.
Indonesian priest recalled as fearless defender of human rights
Mar 30, 2016
Indonesian Father Fransiskus Amanue, a human rights campaigner whose 2003 conviction on libel charges started a riot that led to the torching of a court building, died March 26. He was 71.
Catholic leaders reflect on life and work of EWTN founder Mother Angelica
Mar 30, 2016
Mother Angelica “reflected the Gospel commission to go forth and make disciples of all nations” said Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of the US bishops’ conference.
The continuing struggle of Christians in Pakistan
Mar 30, 2016
Pakistan is once again in the news over its attack on religious minorities. A terrorist attack targeting Christians killed more than 70 people in Laho
Mother Angelica stood in a great tradition of formidable nuns who got things done
Mar 30, 2016
Mother Angelica, the foundress of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), has died, fittingly on Easter Sunday.
Mother Angelica is an inspiration to Catholic women who want to achieve great things
Mar 30, 2016
Mother Angelica could be vociferous in defending Our Lord and she sparred with important men of the cloth.
Quang Da, the parish in the mountains where every year
Mar 30, 2016
To serve a community of believers scattered in the mountains, where it is difficult to move, meet and go to Mass, but where faith is strong and growing every year.
Chinese Catholics and the washing of the feet
Mar 30, 2016
Chinese Catholics entered the Easter Triduum on March 24 and experimented with a new liturgical norm regarding foot washing, which has brought on some debate within the church.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD