Global Church News
Number of churches demolished in just one Chinese province has reached 1,500
Dec 31, 2015
The number of churches targeted for demolition in the Chinese province of Zhejiang has reached 1,500 in just two years.
Catholic church in Kenya lauds heroism of Muslims who protected Christians
Dec 31, 2015
On the feast of St. Stephen, the Church’s first martyr, Pope Francis recalled “many martyrs today who are suffering persecution” and stressed how St. Stephen’s capacity to forgive showed him to be a “true witness.”
Rhodes must stay: Destroying the past is a mark of tyranny
Dec 31, 2015
When the Emperor Caracalla had his co-ruler and brother Geta murdered, in 211 AD, he also decreed that all inscriptions that refereed to Geta should be effaced, and all images of Geta should be destroyed.
Creches from the Americas offer an epiphany on migration, social justice
Dec 31, 2015
If St. Bonaventure’s account in The Life of St. Francis of Assisi is accurate, it was the much-beloved Francis himself who staged the very first creche scene in Greccio, Italy, in 1223.
Indonesia’s Catholic Church Leader Lauds President Jokowi
Dec 30, 2015
The chairman of the Indonesian Bishops’ Conference (KWI) has lauded President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo’s determination to give serious attention to the welfare of people in remote and border areas.
Pakistan: At least 21 dead in blast at government office
Dec 30, 2015
A suicide bomber attacked a government office in Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 21 people and wounding more than 70, officials said.
Parishioners of closed Massachusetts parish plan appeal to U.S. Supreme Court
Dec 30, 2015
Former parishioners who have occupied the closed St. Frances X. Cabrini Church in Scituate for more than 11 years and face a Jan. 8 eviction deadline have been granted additional time to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Pew Catholics take command to feed the hungry seriously
Dec 30, 2015
Be they called food banks, soup kitchens, food pantries, hot soup outreaches, brown bag ministries or caring cafes, programs that provide nutrition and goodwill are headed by parishes across the nation.
Lebanese cardinal calls for more help for refugees
Dec 30, 2015
Lebanese Cardinal Bechara Rai has urged Christians and Muslims to work to preserve peaceful coexistence, and for more help for refugees.
Hungarians to dedicate English pilgrimage to St Thomas Becket
Dec 30, 2015
Cardinal Vincent Nichols will celebrate Mass next year with Cardinal Peter Erdo, the Primate of Hungary, marking the start of a pilgrimage dedicated t
Sunday Reflection
Trap of the human heart
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Dr Lawrence Ng Yew Kim