Global Church News
Want to see the relics of St. Maximilian Kolbe? They're in the US right now
Jan 22, 2016
The major relics of Maximilian Kolbe, who was canonized by St. John Paul II, began an 8-month tour Jan. 15-17 in Ellicott City, Md., at the Shrine of St. Anthony. The tour started with noon Mass at the shrine.
The car Pope Francis used in Philly is up for auction
Jan 22, 2016
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia and World Meeting of Families have announced that they have a unique way to raise money for local charities this year: auction off the car that Pope Francis used during his historic first trip to the United States.
Is the March for Life still relevant?
Jan 22, 2016
It was an event that wasn't supposed to have anniversaries.
Archbishop of Canterbury working with Pope to establish common Easter date for all Christians
Jan 21, 2016
The Archbishop of Canterbury has revealed that he is working with Pope Francis in an effort to establish a common date for the celebration of Easter in all Christian communities.
Catholics, Lutherans in new ecumenical liturgy initiative
Jan 21, 2016
The Vatican and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have issued common liturgical guidelines for ecumenical services to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017.
No one ‘deserves’ faith; it is a gift!
Jan 21, 2016
No one deserves faith and no one can buy it; faith is a gift that changes one's life and allows people to recognize Jesus as the son of God with the power to forgive sins, Pope Francis said at his morning Mass.
Dialogue, remembrance, peace highlighted as Pontiff visits synagogue
Jan 21, 2016
While the Catholic Church affirms that salvation comes through Jesus, it also recognizes that God is faithful and has not revoked his covenant with the Jewish people, Pope Francis said.
Cardinal Parolin calls on Muslim leaders to condemn terrorism
Jan 21, 2016
Cardinal Pietro Parolin (pic right), the Vatican’s Secretary of State, has called upon Muslim leaders to “condemn without ambiguity, all acts of terrorism committed in the name of Islam” and to “teach clearly the total incompatibility between violence and religion.”
After the attacks, Christians and Muslims march together against terrorism
Jan 21, 2016
Muslims and Christians have marched together through the streets of Jakarta in a massive show of solidarity after the suicide bombings which caused the death of seven people and wounded 26.
Philippine church lauds new anti-dynasty law
Jan 21, 2016
Church groups in the Philippines welcomed a new law that bans for the first time political dynasties in the country.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi