Global Church News
Pope Francis careful in navigating Cuban politics
Sep 21, 2015
Revolution Square is the political stage of revolutionary Cuba. Fidel Castro held huge rallies here to castigate the imperialists up north.
Pope Francis sits down with Raul Castro in Havana
Sep 21, 2015
Amid the celebrations and public speeches, the meeting Sunday between Pope Francis and Cuban President Raúl Castro seemed staid by comparison.
Let poverty be your mother, Pope Francis tells religious in Cuba
Sep 21, 2015
Pope Francis on Sunday spoke from the heart about the importance of spiritual poverty, the danger of worldly wealth, and the universal need for mercy.
Colombian peace talks must not fail, Pope says during Cuba trip
Sep 21, 2015
Pope Francis prayed for the ongoing negotiations between FARC rebels and the Colombian government happening in Cuba right now saying that “another failure” is not an option.
Pope Francis gifts Fidel Castro with copy of 'Laudato Si'
Sep 21, 2015
The Vatican has confirmed that Pope Francis and former Cuban president Fidel Castro held a brief meeting after Sunday Mass and the Angelus yesterday.
Pope Francis' gift to Castro: a challenging message from Cuban leader's old teacher
Sep 21, 2015
Pope Francis met with Fidel Castro on Sunday and gave him a special gift: a book and two CDs with the homilies and songs of Father Armando Llorente, a Jesuit priest who was Castro’s school teacher. Before Father Llorente’s death, he publically asked for Castro’s conversion and repentance.
Cuba: Pope Francis meets Fidel Castro after Havana mass
Sep 21, 2015
Pope Francis has met Cuba's former President, Fidel Castro, after celebrating mass in front of tens of thousands of people in Havana.
Pope deeply moved by plight of Vatican-housed refugee family
Sep 21, 2015
As he began his 10-day trip to Cuba and the United States, Pope Francis was seen off by a Syrian refugee family the Vatican is now housing through one of its parishes. The Pope described himself shortly after as “very moved.”
Pope in Cuba: Christians serve people, not ideology
Sep 21, 2015
In his first Mass during apostolic trip to Cuba, Pope Francis centered his homily on the Christian call to service, which he said is never ideological, but involves putting our own interests aside for the sake of others.
Restoration of ties with US a sign of hope, Pope says in Cuba
Sep 21, 2015
Pope Francis landed in Havana on Saturday, the first of his 9-day visit to Cuba and the United States, telling officials that the recent normalization of relations between the two countries is a sign of hope and victory.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD