Global Church News
Masses suspended in Niger due to church burnings
Jan 23, 2015
The bishops of Niger have canceled Masses and activities at Catholic schools, health care facilities and charity outreaches after Muslim extremists set fire to dozens of churches across the country.
Could a US priest face jail for refusing to break confession seal?
Jan 23, 2015
The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear a petition from a Louisiana Catholic diocese that fears a civil lawsuit could force a priest to violate the seal of confession or go to jail.
Cardinal: No pro-life victory without reaching the marginalized
Jan 23, 2015
For the pro-life movement to truly succeed, it must fight not only abortion, but also the broader “throwaway culture” wherever life is being discarded, said Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston at a national pro-life Mass.
Papal Nuncio to join walk for life West Coast
Jan 22, 2015
The Walk for Life West Coast announced that Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, papal nuncio in the United States, will be attending the 11th Annual Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco this Saturday.
Speakers withdraw from Catholic event fearing LGBT controversy
Jan 16, 2015
Everyone must be free to proclaim their religious beliefs, a Catholic group has said after prominent speakers spurned its summit because of the group’s stance on homosexuality.
Availability and obedience: the intentions of Uruguay's new cardinal
Jan 14, 2015
Archbishop Daniel Sturla Berhouet of Montevideo, one of the 20 men to be made a cardinal at next month's consistory, has said his response to the appointment is one of both availability and obedience to the Pope.
'Hermeneutics of compassion': How a crucifix restoration offers hope to the poor
Jan 12, 2015
After receiving inspiration from an aged crucifix, Cardinal James Stafford commissioned it to be restored as a sign of compassion for Rome’s suffering poor and unemployed population.
100 million reasons for concern about anti-Christian persecution
Jan 09, 2015
The number of persecuted Christians in the world has topped 100 million, according to a new report that says even non-violent persecution of Christians has increased, amid continuing violence.
Florida Bishops Respond to State's Change in Definition of Marriage
Jan 07, 2015
The bishops of Florida have issued a statement addressing the redefinition of marriage in Florida to accommodate couples of the same sex. Same-sex marriage is now recognized in 36 states and Washington, D.C.
Church in US celebrating National Migration Week
Jan 06, 2015
National Migration Week 2015 is underway in the United States through Saturday with the theme, "We are One Family under God.”

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi