Global Church News
New Jersey sister first to be beatified on US soil
Oct 09, 2014
Michael Mencer should have been blind for 50 years by now.
Synod, The Church must give "an appropriate response to the times of today" to the challenges posed to the family
Oct 09, 2014
Before the challenges that the family is facing today - the "dictatorship of single thought" that counter-values that distort society's vision of marriage as a union between man and woman.
Iraq has done 'absolutely nothing' for displaced Christians
Oct 09, 2014
An Iraqi bishop whose community is hosting more than 70,000 Christians who fled violence in Mosul and its surroundings has expressed dismay at the national government in Baghdad for failing to offer assistance.
How should the Church care for same-sex attracted people?
Oct 08, 2014
At the opening of the Synod on the Family, participants were reminded that the Church's pastoral approach towards persons with same-sex attraction is an issue worthy of attention.
On the bishops' discussion slate: Streamlining annulments
Oct 08, 2014
The opening report for the bishops' synod on the family touched on the process of annulments, noting that reform is being asked by many who often misunderstand the indissolubility of marriage.
Synod: Relaunching the Christian family in a world obsessed with the
Oct 07, 2014
The "beauty of the Christian message" on marriage and family needs to be proposed to the world anew, in order to give "concrete answers that are full of charity" inspired by mercy in a world in which "many perceive their life not as a project, but as a series of moments in which the greatest value is to feel good, the feel good factor.
Christian groups stand with diocese to protect Seal of Confession
Oct 01, 2014
Nearly 20 organizations, both Catholic and other denominations of Christian, have joined the Diocese of Baton Rouge in asking the Supreme Court to protect a priest from being forced to violate the Seal of Confession.
Beatification of Opus Dei head sparks call for global generosity
Sep 29, 2014
To mark the impending beatification of Alvaro del Portillo, who led Opus Dei from 1975 to 1994, those attending the celebration are being invited to contribute to initiatives aimed at bringing aid and support to the people of Africa.
Bishops find hope for religious dialogue at Palestinian university
Sep 29, 2014
Reflecting on their recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land, U.S. bishops have cited relationships there between Christian and Muslim students as a sign of hope for peace in the region.
Bishop, canonist: Gay unions among sins barring Communion
Sep 26, 2014
The denial of Holy Communion to a same-sex couple who obtained a marriage license is in line with broader Church teaching on public grave sin and the Eucharist, explained a prominent canon lawyer.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi