Global Church News
Religious freedom battle 'daunting,' but bishops urged to persist
Nov 13, 2014
The leader of the U.S. bishops’ religious freedom committee encouraged his fellow bishops not to lose heart, but to place their trust in God, in the ongoing battle for religious liberty.
Cardinal Scola: Universities can play crucial role in family synod
Nov 11, 2014
Cardinal Angelo Scola holds that pontifical universities are the ideal place where issues at stake in the Synod of Bishops – which will discuss families next autumn – can be more deeply understood and developed.
A quiet threat: Religious freedom dwindling in Europe, US
Nov 05, 2014
Religious freedom is at risk in Europe and has been increasingly suppressed in the United States over the course of the past year, according to a new report.
Letter from Archbishop of Mosul: Thank you for your aid, supporting the plight of refugees
Oct 29, 2014
A lack of food, warm clothes, blankets, shelter, medicine: This is the picture of the pain faced by the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees who fled from Mosul and surrounding villages, who managed to escape in Kurdistan.
Want to prevent threats like ISIS? Religious freedom key, official says
Oct 28, 2014
Promoting religious freedom abroad is vital for U.S. national security interests in preventing the rise of threats such as ISIS, said the chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom on Monday.
For Sri Lankan Catholics, the Synod on the Family was
Oct 28, 2014
For two Sri Lankan Catholics, a priest and a layman, the Extraordinary Synod on the Family that ended on 19 October in Rome should "be praised for paving the way for a certain freedom of expression" within the Catholic Church, but it "did not address the family and its problems in Asia, Africa and Latin America".
English bishop shares 'never failing' gift of the rosary with his diocese
Oct 27, 2014
Since prayers through the Blessed Virgin Mary “never fail,” Bishop Philip Egan of Portsmouth is commemorating this month of the rosary by giving every parishioner in his diocese a free recording of the Marian prayer.
How do we praise God? Pray like Saint Paul, Pope Francis says
Oct 24, 2014
In his homily on Thursday, Pope Francis said no one has the strength to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit, and encouraged attendees to imitate St. Paul in praying with praise and adoration.
We're 'just touching the surface' of St John Paul II's teachings
Oct 24, 2014
St. John Paul II's life and teachings offer a witness to love that is so profound it is only beginning to be be mined for its riches, said the chaplain of the late pope’s national shrine in Washington, D.C.
Christian ministers told to perform gay 'weddings' or face jail time
Oct 22, 2014
Two Christian ministers in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, could face legal punishment or be forced to sell their nearly 100-year-old wedding chapel for declining to perform same-sex "wedding" ceremonies.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD