Malaysian Church News
CTAM Johor celebrates Teachers’ Day
Jun 03, 2016
The Catholic Teachers Association Malaysia (CTAM) Johor Chapter celebrated its first Teacher’s Day Celebration on May 21 at the Church of the Immaculate Conception Johor.
‘The Gardener’ – A tribute to Brother Adrian, 1925 – 2016
Jun 02, 2016
A memorial requiem mass was held in respect of Brother Adrian Patrick Gaule F.S.C in the St Joseph’s Cathedral here at 5.30pm on Monday.
Borneo Christians in dance and prayer for the "harvest festival"
Jun 02, 2016
In the predominantly Christian states of Sabah and Sarawak, harvest festivities last for about one month. Songs and tribal dances even in liturgical celebrations. Bishop of Kuching: "It is an occasion to thank God together and to remind us of His promise."
Singapore’s St Francis of Assisi parish is home to thousands of economic migrants
May 31, 2016
In recent years, the congregation of St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Singapore has grown a lot thanks to economic migrants, so that in order to take part in the Mass, “we have special Masses that are celebrated on different weeks of the month,” said the local pastor, Rev Fr John Lau.
St. Mary's Cathedral welcomes 76 Neophytes into the fold
May 30, 2016
St. Mary's Cathedral welcomed 76 neophytes into their fold with a dinner reception at the Parish Hall.
KK Archdiocese welcomes new priest as a Jubilee Year of Mercy gift
May 29, 2016
KK Archdiocese welcomes new priest as a Jubilee Year of Mercy gift
A prayer for our nation
May 26, 2016
Let us proclaim the name of the Lord; And ascribe greatness to our God! Lord, your work is perfect.
KK prelate calls on faithful to nurture a merciful attitude
May 26, 2016
Archbishop John Wong called on all parishioners in the archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu to nurture the character and attitude of being merciful in everything they do in life as a way to realise this year’s Kaamatan theme “Culture of Mercy, Foundation of Faith.”
Jubilee for Priests June 1-3 : The celebrations in Rome and Malaysia
May 26, 2016
St John Paul II established that, on the solemnity of the Sacred Heart, the Church will observe the World Day of prayer for the Sanctification of Priests.
SHC daily Massgoers organise two-in-one celebration for young assistant priests
May 26, 2016
The Sacred Heart Cathedral daily morning Massgoers prepared a simple yet scrumptious breakfast on 7 May 2016 for the double celebration of the first sacerdotal anniversary of Fr Abel Madisang, and to welcome the newly ordained Fr Joshua Liew to the parish family at the parish canteen.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi