Malaysian Church News

  • Blessings Over the Phone

    Apr 09, 2015

    If we can pray for somebody with no physical or virtual connection, such as when we offer a mystery of the rosary for a friend or relative in need of prayer, then accompanying them in some way by phone or other technical means of communication can be a means of enhancing this effect from a subjective point of view.

  • Legionaries must defend the truth

    Apr 09, 2015

    The Legion of Mary, both individually and collectively, seeks to celebrate the Acies as near to the Feast of the Annunciation as possible.

  • Professionals reflect on the Joy of the Gospel

    Apr 09, 2015

    About 150 Catholic doctors, lawyers, teachers, religious, ambassadors as well as other professionals gathered at the Auditorium Soter at Stella Maris School in Medan Damansara to be enlightened by the Joy of the Gospel an encyclical by Pope Francis.

  • Christ’s resurrection brings us life!

    Apr 06, 2015

    “As weak human beings we usually rely on substantial evidence or signs as a basis for our belief.

  • Sabahan again fails in bid for judicial review of HERALD seizure

    Apr 06, 2015

    The Court of Appeal on Mar 19 rejected an appeal against the dismissal of a Sabahan’s application to review the Home Ministry's confiscation of 2,000 copies of the HERALD in October 2013.

  • Christians are called to preach the good news

    Apr 06, 2015

    “What is the meaning of today’s celebration for you? The Annunciation is when the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she is going to be the mother of God.”

  • CDM pilgrims collect relic of St Faustina

    Apr 06, 2015

    Twenty pilgrims from the parish of Divine Mercy accompanied by their parish Priest Fr Martin Arlando set out for Poland on a mission to collect a 1st-class relic of St Faustina on February 22.

  • Daughters of St Paul celebrate 50 years in Malaysia

    Apr 06, 2015

    The Solemnity of St Joseph on March 19, 2015 was a meaningful day for the Daughters of St Paul (FSP) in Malaysia as they celebrated the Golden Jubilee of their establishment in the country.

  • Health Awareness talk for women held at NBVM

    Apr 06, 2015

    In conjunction with International Women’s Day, the Family Life Ministry of the parish of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (NBVM), organised a Pap-smear and Self-breast Examination (BSE) cum talk as well as a Natural Fertility Awareness exhibition for parishioners on Sunday, March 15.

  • Bishop Paul Tan resigns

    Apr 06, 2015

    This year the Universal Church celebrates Easter on April 5. It is also the 75th birthday of Bishop Paul Tan SJ and is also the day he leaves his office as Bishop.