Malaysian Church News

  • Catholic legal fraternity told: Practise law with mercy and love

    Mar 12, 2015

    The Catholic legal fraternity of Sabah has been reminded to practise their profession with mercy and love during the fourth annual Red Mass celebrated by Archbishop John Wong, concelebrated with parish rector, Rev Fr Cosmas Lee, at the chapel of St Simon’s Catholic Church, Likas on Feb 14.

  • The ‘non-Bumis’ in our lives

    Mar 06, 2015

    Sometime in late 1998, Father Lawrence Andrew, the editor of Catholic weekly Herald, was called in to substitute the parish priest for the Sunday morning mass at the Church of Our Lady of Fatima in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur.

  • Chinese Bible Association gathers to make Scripture the heart of Church’s life

    Mar 05, 2015

    The United Chinese Catholic Biblical Association held its tenth World Chinese Biblical Congress last month in Taiwan, drawing participants from 18 countries to reflect on Scripture and its place in the new evangelization.

  • Underground Chinese bishop, aged 93 missing, presumed dead

    Mar 05, 2015

    The oldest bishop of China’s underground Catholic Church, Shi Enxiang — who spent more than half a century in detention for refusing to renounce the authority of the Pope — had died, aged 93 almost a month ago. Since then, nothing: no official confirmation, no corpse, no ashes.

  • The similarities between CNY and the beginning of Lent

    Mar 05, 2015

    The beginning of Lent and Chinese New Year (CNY) are similar in that they both celebrate the same things, the only difference being in the way of celebrating.

  • Many come to pray for the sick at CDM, Penang

    Mar 05, 2015

    The theme for the Mass to commemorate the World Day of the Sick was taken from Job (29:15): I was eyes to the blind and feet to the lame.

  • St Joseph’s School (SJS) celebrates 60th anniversary

    Mar 05, 2015

    We remember with nostalgia and gratitude,the Brothers of St Gabriel who founded St Joseph’s School 60 years ago, because of their love for JesusChrist and His mission to educate young people of all races and religious.

  • TCFM still going strong after 54 years

    Mar 05, 2015

    After some fifty-four years, the Teachers’ Christian Fellowship Malaysia (TCFM) is still strong, as steadfast members come together and encouraging each other in prayer and deed.

  • A fond farewell and a warm welcome

    Mar 05, 2015

    Some 300 parishioners gathered at Holy Trinity Parish Hall on Sunday, February 15 to bid Sr Aquinas Voon fsic a fond farewell and to extend a warm welcome to Sr Martha Jonik fsic and seminarian Walter Milter Mario.

  • Parishioners urged to fast, pray and give alms

    Mar 05, 2015

    For pastoral reasons, Ash Wednesday was celebrated on Tuesday, February 17 in the Diocese of Sandakan.