Malaysian Church News
Government acting in bad faith
Jan 29, 2015
Jerry Dusing, who is president of the Sabah Sidang Injil Borneo (SIB) also lamented the Federal Court’s decision. Dusing wondered if the government was not being insincere with the Christian community in Malaysia.
Another case with ‘Allah’
Jan 29, 2015
On Jan 22, the case of Sarawakian Christian, Jill Ireland, who had her eight CDs containing the word “Allah” confiscated by the Home Ministry, was heard at the Kuala Lumpur High Court.
In a separate case, Appeal Court says: State Enactments cannot overrule the Federal Constitution
Jan 29, 2015
Although Islam is the religion of the Federation in Malaysia, as defined under Article 3(1) of the Federal Constitution, it is subject to the limitations of the fundamental liberties of a person, the Court of Appeal ruled today.
All is not lost, decision confined to HERALD only
Jan 29, 2015
On Jan 21, the five-man bench headed by Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Embong took an hour to return a unanimous verdict in the negative to the Church’s final attempt to revive its appeal.
Thank you for your prayers and support
Jan 29, 2015
God be praised at all times. We continue to thank God for His faithful love. He has not abandoned us. He loves us even more.
Bishop Paul Tan: ‘Allah’ decision not written in stone
Jan 29, 2015
Catholic Bishop Dr Paul Tan Chee Ing described the Federal Court’s decision to dismiss the Catholic Church’s review application in the ‘Allah’ case as the “triumph of politics over judicial reasoning based on the constitution”.
Bishop Bolly: Not HERALD but Malaysia was on trial
Jan 29, 2015
Political expediency has prevailed over common sense and what is universally right, said Kuching Bishop Bolly Lapok.
Archbishop Leow worries decision leads to curbs on minority rights
Jan 29, 2015
The Catholic Church is concerned that the Jan 21 Federal Court decision on the ‘Allah’ issue could open a Pandora’s box in curbing the rights of minorities to manage their religious affairs.
HERALD loses a legal battle on the use of the word 'Allah'
Jan 29, 2015
The Federal Court in Malaysia has ruled that the Catholic Church has no right to use the term “Allah” which means God in the newsweekly Herald.
Over-flowing of ponggal signifies abundance and prosperity
Jan 29, 2015
His grace Emeritus Archbishop Murphy Pakiam celebrated Mass for the Tamil New Year Ponggal, with Fr Stanislaus Soosaimariam as concelebrant, on Thursday 15 January at 8.00pm at the Church of Our Lady of Fatima in Brickfields.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi