Malaysian Church News
Bishop Bolly: Not HERALD but Malaysia was on trial
Jan 29, 2015
Political expediency has prevailed over common sense and what is universally right, said Kuching Bishop Bolly Lapok.
Archbishop Leow worries decision leads to curbs on minority rights
Jan 29, 2015
The Catholic Church is concerned that the Jan 21 Federal Court decision on the ‘Allah’ issue could open a Pandora’s box in curbing the rights of minorities to manage their religious affairs.
HERALD loses a legal battle on the use of the word 'Allah'
Jan 29, 2015
The Federal Court in Malaysia has ruled that the Catholic Church has no right to use the term “Allah” which means God in the newsweekly Herald.
Over-flowing of ponggal signifies abundance and prosperity
Jan 29, 2015
His grace Emeritus Archbishop Murphy Pakiam celebrated Mass for the Tamil New Year Ponggal, with Fr Stanislaus Soosaimariam as concelebrant, on Thursday 15 January at 8.00pm at the Church of Our Lady of Fatima in Brickfields.
BECs lead the way in Ponggal Festival
Jan 29, 2015
About 100 parishioners of Tapah and Bidor gathered at the Church of St Mary to celebrate the festival of Ponggal.
Harvest Festival celebration at CDM,Penang
Jan 29, 2015
The Church of the Divine Mercy in Sungai Ara exuded colour and vibrancy over the weekend on January 17 and 18 as the parishioners gathered to celebrate Ponggal or the harvest festival.
Ponggal celebration in the parishes
Jan 29, 2015
The Kuala Lumpur Archbishop, His Grace Julian Leow joined Catholics at the Chapel of Our Lady of Good Health (OLGH) on Jan 18 to celebrate the annual Ponggal festival.
Pastoral Letter
Jan 29, 2015
We have come to the end of a long journey, which began in 2008, when we were told that we cannot call God in the way the majority of our Catholics in Malaysia have been used to for centuries.
Parish adopts Five Cs as 2015 pastoral thrust
Jan 29, 2015
More than 300 parishioners of the Taiping Catholic Church turned up on Jan 18 for the Parish Pastoral Assembly with their parish priest, Fr Jude Miranda.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD