Malaysian Church News
Council of Churches calls Federal Court ruling on Allah issue a ‘regressive move’
Jun 23, 2014
More Christian bodies have come out to criticise the Federal Court decision today to dismiss the church's leave application to appeal the "Allah" ban in Herald, with the Council of Churches Malaysia saying it was a regressive decision.
Catholic Church disappointed, mulls option to ask for review of Allah decision
Jun 23, 2014
The Catholic Church is disappointed that the four judges who had rejected their application to the Federal Court for leave to appeal the ban on the use of the word "Allah" in their weekly publication had not talked about the rights of minority in the country.
Sabah court sets July 10 date for decision on possible judicial review
Jun 20, 2014
The Kota Kinabalu High Court will decide on July 10 whether it will hear a judicial review on the Home Ministry’s decision to seize 2,000 copies of HERALD last October.
UiTM’s anti-Christian seminar just brainstorming session :Muhyiddin
Jun 20, 2014
Despite criticism of a public university’s religiously charged seminar last month, which attacked Christianity and reports of dubious speakers claiming to be former Catholic clergy, Putrajaya now says the seminar was just a form of "intellectual brainstorming which should be viewed positively".
Hasan says it is ‘jihad’
Jun 19, 2014
Muslim NGO Jati has urged all Muslims to stand behind the Selangor Islamic Affairs Council’s decision not to return the 321 copies of the Malay and Iban language Bible to the Bible Society Malaysia .
AG’s stance on Bible against Islam, says another NGO
Jun 19, 2014
An Islamist NGO has taken issue with Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail's stance that copies of the Bible confiscated in Selangor were merely a compilation of the Torah, Zabur and Gospel and no prosecution was required, accusing him of deviating from Islam.
AG says it again, Bible case closed
Jun 19, 2014
Attorney- general (AG) Abdul Gani Patail is standing firm on his decision to close the case on the 321 copies of the Bible that were seized by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) in January.
Arabification of Islam behind ‘Allah’ ban
Jun 19, 2014
Malaysia’s recent adherence to Saudi Arabia’s “literal Islam” is the cause of the Muslim-Christian tussle over the Arabic word for God ‘Allah’ here, an academic said today.
Meeting of cultures in T’ganu
Jun 19, 2014
East Malaysian and Indonesian Catholics celebrated KAGAPA (Kaamatan-Gawai- Panen) at the Catholic Mission.
Filipinos celebrate their National Day
Jun 19, 2014
Filipino Catholics thronged the Cathedral of St John (SJC) on June 8, Solemnity of Pentecost for a Thanksgiving Mass to celebrate their country’s 116th Independence Day which is on June 12.
Sunday Reflection
Change begins with us
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD