Malaysian Church News
Bibles stamped to keep them out of Selangor
Dec 18, 2014
The 321 Malay and Iban Bibles that were returned to Christians in Sarawak were stamped with a warning by the Selangor religious authorities to ensure that the Holy Books, which contained the word “Allah”, did not return to the state, the Selangor Sultan said.
Return hymnals for Orang Asli use
Dec 18, 2014
The Catholic Church wants the return of hymn books that had the word “Allah” seized by the Johor police on Dec 5, and protested against the increasing “continued vigilantism and harassment” of Christians in Malaysia.
Let us come and adore him
Dec 18, 2014
Christmas celebration is here again! But as believers in Christ sent by the Father, Christmas is not just one of the celebrations that we have here in Malaysia.
Malaysian Christians furious over hundreds of desecrated Bibles
Dec 12, 2014
Malaysia's Christian leaders are furious that hundreds of Bibles seized earlier this year and returned last month were desecrated by Muslim authorities in the State of Selangor.
Advent Wreaths and Penitential Rites
Dec 11, 2014
These comments were originally spurred by a follow-up article in which I wrote: “From a liturgical point of view, only the blessing of the wreath on the first Sunday of Advent is included among those that may be used at Mass.
Fifty-nine receive the Eucharist first time
Dec 11, 2014
Fifty-nine children received their First Holy Communion at the Church of Our Lady Of Lourdes. Parish priest Fr Francis Andrew told the children that they are special as they are about to receive the body and blood of Christ.
Receive Jesus in your heart
Dec 11, 2014
“On this day, the Solemnity of Christ the King and Jesus the King of the Universe, we see our First Communion children, beautifully dressed in white, with hands joined together, waiting in expectation to receive the Lord Jesus for the very first time in their lives.”
Parishioners urged to bring His love and compassion to others
Dec 11, 2014
Msgr Ionut Paul Strejac was impressed with the dressing of parishioners on Nov 22 at the Chapel of Christ the King (CTK) in celebrating the chapel’s feastday. He said the modest and appropriate dressing symbolizes what is inside us.
Diocesan Education Commission members meet
Dec 11, 2014
Members of the Diocesan Education Commission convened at St Dominic’s Church on Nov 29 and 30 for their second meeting and formation session for 2014.
Malaysian speaks at Billings Ovulation Method Conference, USA
Dec 11, 2014
Natural Fertility Awareness Service of Malaysia national President, Dr Lek-Lim Chan from Kuching was invited to speak at the Conference of the Billings Ovulation Method® Association of USA in Dallas, Texas on November 21-22, 2014.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi