Malaysian Church News
Orang Asli join in Christmas Concert at SMC
Dec 18, 2014
More than 160 Orang Asli from Central and North Perak came to St Michael’s Church (SMC) over the weekend of Dec 6-7 to participate in the Malaysian Christmas Concert with other races.
Home for the elderly celebrates feast of St Francis Xavier
Dec 18, 2014
The St Francis Xavier Home for the Elderly, under the care of the Little Sisters of the Poor, celebrated the feast of St Francis Xavier on Dec 3.
Mary’s soul was kept immaculate
Dec 18, 2014
The Portuguese Settlement of Our Lady of the ImmaculateConception marked its feast day with the celebration of the Eucharist, presided by Fr Damien Charles, the assistant parish priest of both the churches of St Francis Xavier and St Peter.
We need to take ownership for community building
Dec 18, 2014
The Church of Our Lady of Fatima, Brickfields, held its Parish Pastoral Assembly on Sunday November 30.
Catechetical Retreat for 31 from Penang Diocese
Dec 18, 2014
Some 31 catechists participated in the Penang Diocesan Catechetical Retreat at the Barre I.J. Centre, Cameron Highlands Dec 6-7. The Spiritual Director was Rev Fr Gerard Theraviam.
Sitiawan parishioners plan for next year
Dec 18, 2014
More than 80 parishioners comprising members of the BECs and various parish ministries attended the three-hour assembly on Nov 26.
An overview of Advent
Dec 18, 2014
On Dec 6, Fr Andrew Kooi, the parish priest of the Church of the Sacred Heart, gave a short Reflection on Advent to 40 pilgrims from Kuala Lumpur, after their Prayer Session at his parish.
Thirty-four receive certificates for SPM BK Teachers’ Course
Dec 18, 2014
Thirty-four Catholics from several parishes in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur received certificates for completing the SPM Bible Knowledge Teachers’ Course this year.
Pope Francis’ visit to Turkey and a new chapter in relations between Islam and Christendom
Dec 18, 2014
The visit by Pope Francis to Turkey gives new meaning to religious tolerance and understanding between Christendom and Islam, and heralds a new chapter in relations between the two great civilizations.
Interfaith dialogue needed more than ever, say religious leaders
Dec 18, 2014
Religious leaders want more interfaith dialogue to promote understanding and mutual respect among Muslims and non-Muslims, in the face of worsening race relations.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD