Malaysian Church News
Pope and Patriarch sign joint declaration
Dec 04, 2014
Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, spiritual leader of the Orthodox world, on Sunday signed a Joint Declaration reaffirming their desire to overcome the obstacles dividing their two Churches.
Courtesy calls on Archbishop Julian
Dec 04, 2014
The Deputy High Commissioner of the Republic of Singapore, Ms. Ariel Tan made a courtesy call on His Grace, Archbishop Julian Leow Beng Kim on Nov 21.
Melaka state service team comes a long way
Dec 04, 2014
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal Melaka State Service Team held its annual fellowship dinner on Nov 21. Its main role is the local parishes’ pastoral life focusing on personal growth and inner healing.
Bishop Julius celebrates 25 years as a priest
Dec 04, 2014
About 200 parishioners gathered at St Joseph’s Church to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Bishop Julius and the 36th anniversary of Fr Thomas Makajil's ordination to the priesthood, on November 19.
Ten children receive Christ for the first time
Dec 04, 2014
Loving God and abandoning ourselves to Him will enable us to be more open and receptive towards works of mercy and love for others.
SFX Sunday school winds up for 2014
Dec 04, 2014
The Sunday school of the Banda Kaba parish of St Francis Xavier wound up its 2014 term with a thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration, prize presentation and fellowship on November 23.
Good Shepherd Church, 50 glorious years of faith
Dec 04, 2014
On Sunday, November 16, parishioners of Good Shepherd Church came together for the 9.00am Mass to celebrate and give thanks on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of their faith community.
Launching of the Year of Consecrated Life in Melaka-Johor Diocese
Dec 04, 2014
The Melaka-Johor Diocese launched the Year of Consecrated Life, November 21 at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart.
Go beyond yourselves in living and sharing the gospel of joy
Dec 04, 2014
This Advent, be urgent in your mission for Christ, and go beyond yourselves in living and sharing the gospel of joy of Jesus Christ.
How the Church in Thailand fights trafficking, violence against women
Dec 04, 2014
The Church in Thailand observed the Nov. 25 celebration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women with a seminar helping form networks to end trafficking and other forms of sex-based violence in the country.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi