Malaysian Church News
Bishop Emeritus now a Dato’
Dec 04, 2014
Bishop Emeritus Antony Selvanayagam was conferred a Darjah Setia Pangkuan Negeri (DSPN), which carried the title Dato’, in conjunction with Penang Yang Dipertua Negeri, Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas’ 76th birthday, which was on July 12.
Christian students forced to pray in the open
Dec 04, 2014
Deputy Education Minister Mary Yap, according to a media update, has pledged to investigate the Labuan Matriculation College (LMC), no stranger to controversies, for being in the news again for all the wrong reasons.
What is Celtic spirituality?
Nov 27, 2014
Celtic practices existed at a time when there was much less uniformity in different parts of Christendom. But Celtic refers to practices which were not separate from the Catholic Church. Some commentators suggest a pre-Protestant stance against the Catholic Church. Modern scholars find this idea questionable.
OMPH Hospitality Ministers’s mission at Good Shepherd Home
Nov 27, 2014
In a special message delivered to all parishes in the Penang Diocese on World Mission Sunday, Bishop Sebastian Francis initiated the rite of sending in conjunction with the Diocese’s theme CALLED, CHOSEN, SENT.
Unity among Christians in Terengganu
Nov 27, 2014
The local Churches, comprising Catholics and other denominations in Terengganu, usually take turns to host their Inter-Church Gatherings.
St Mary’s celebrates three sacerdotal anniversaries
Nov 27, 2014
Around 600 parishioners of St Mary’s Cathedral and its sub-parishes joined in celebrating the anniversaries of their shepherds: Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom on his 25th anniversary on November 19 (1989 – 2014).
Making headway in non-formal education
Nov 27, 2014
Described as one of its kind in the state, the Livio Learning Centre (LLC) at the Portuguese Settlement, established in April 1993, has been making waves each passing year. LLC is managed by the local Canossian Sisters community.
Developing a spiritual programme for men
Nov 27, 2014
Catholic Men’s Fellowship (CMF) of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit organised a spiritual development programme for men so that they can openly discuss spiritual matters.
Marian 2nd Chance Outlet
Nov 27, 2014
What was known as Parish Garage Sales Shop before is now transformed and renamed ‘Marian 2nd Chance Outlet.’ It has a very humble beginning, with parishioners contributing used items to be sold as recycled items.
Sunday school awards at SMC
Nov 27, 2014
Forty-two Sunday school students of St Michael’s Church (SMC), received certificates of achievement and gift vouchers on Nov 16 for achieving full attendance at Sunday school this year.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi