Malaysian Church News
Thanksgiving service for police at St Theresa’s
May 29, 2014
Being a police officer entails heavy responsibilities and selfless sacrifices. Even though you hold a position of authority, you must always have a heart of love, human kindness and be the instrument of peace within the community and society.
Asian Catholics called to fight ‘threats to the very existence of the family
May 23, 2014
A Vatican-sponsored conference on the family ended on May 16 with a call for Asian Catholics to fight abortion, contraception and same-sex marriage as “threats to the very existence of the family.”
EQ, not IQ more important in relationships
May 23, 2014
“EQ and not IQ is more indicative of success and happiness in human relationships,” shared Joe and Anita, who presented their thoughts at the recent KL Archdiocesan Family Life Convention held from May 2 – 5.
Natural fertility awareness talk in Penang
May 23, 2014
The Natural Fertility Awareness Service of Penang organised a talk on ‘Natural Fertility Awareness the knowledge for every woman’ on April 27 at the PDPI Hall.
We need to nurture religious vocations
May 23, 2014
The role of parents is crucial in nurturing priestly vocations and in praying for priests and religious in their work.
ERLC meeting in Penang
May 23, 2014
“The liturgy touches everyone and it is the most important part of the Church as it deals with the people of God from the oldest to the youngest,” said Bishop Sebastian Francis.
A joyful golden jubilee for Archbishop Pakiam
May 23, 2014
“It is a great joy to celebrate this Thanksgiving Mass to the Lord for 50 years service in my ministry,” said Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam on May 13 at the Cathedral of St John.
We thank God for the gift of Archbishop Pakiam to Archdoicese: Msgr James
May 23, 2014
“Today is a special day for Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Nicholas Xavier Pakiam. A special day for a great man who has spent 31 years as a priest and 19 years as a Bishop. We thank God for the gift of Archbishop Pakiam to the Archdoicese,” said Msgr James Gnanapiragasam.
Should we still be friends with a woman I find attractive?
May 23, 2014
I read an article that when we find attractiveness in others, we should recognize and appreciate their attributes as gifts of God.
UiTM seminar, a clear abuse of trust and stewardship
May 23, 2014
“The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) supports academic freedom, and the right of a public university such as the Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) to organise a public lecture on any topic, but academic freedom and public university facilities should not be used to present and promote skewered statements with no opportunity for rebuttal of fa

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD