Malaysian Church News
Ten contributions of non-Muslims to Malaysia
May 08, 2014
Obtuse. Dense. Ignorant. Stupid. Choose any one of these words to describe Isma and you would be spot on. This government-sponsored organisation yesterday argued that non-Muslims have no right to get involved in any discussion on hudud and even had the temerity to question the contributions of non-Muslims to Malaysia.
What are your contributions to the nation, asks Isma warning non-Muslims over hudud issue
May 08, 2014
Muslim rights group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) has warned non-Muslims in the country that they have no right to oppose the plan to implement hudud, and said non-Muslims should understand that there are limitations to what they can say.
The reluctance to return the Bibles
May 07, 2014
The Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) is convinced that the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) is refusing to return the Bibles seized from its premises four months ago because to do so would be an admission that it had erred in both deed and manner.
Bishop Paul Tan: Permanent deacons have been a ‘real help’
May 02, 2014
First, let me speak of “vibrant practice of the faith.” As things stand at present, there is no parish in the diocese which can be called an ideal parish or exemplary parish or model parish. Our parishes are, for the most part, very ordinary. It varies from parish to parish.
Malaysians have yet to fully understand hudud
May 02, 2014
Malaysians, even the Muslims, have yet to fully grasp the workings of the Hudud that the PAS government wants to implement in Kelantan.
Countries with hudud laws fail to reduce crime, says former top judge
May 02, 2014
Muslim countries which have implemented Islamic capital punishments, or hudud, have not been successful in reducing crime rate, former Chief Justice Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad said recently.
In 2014, Government never rejected Hudud –‘Allah’s law
May 02, 2014
The government has never rejected hudud as Allah’s Law, but there are so many issues that need to be solved before the law can be fully implemented in the country, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said.
In 2011, PM says No Hudud in Malaysia
May 02, 2014
The Prime Minister ended the feud on the enforcement of hudud between political parties on Sept 24, 2011 saying that the federal government will not adopt the Syariah criminal enactment in Malaysia.
Delighted to be part of the Catholic Church...
May 02, 2014
“I began this journey in 2008 when I was studying in Montfort. I would go along with my friends to the chapel every Friday. As I listened and read about God, my interest developed.
Thousands throng Bukit Nanas for Easter celebrations
May 02, 2014
Easter is the most important holy day in the Catholic Church calender, as it marks the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, after His Crucifixion on Good Friday.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD