Sunday Reflection

  • Seek first the Kingdom of God

    Jul 28, 2023

    The world is rapidly modernised by technological advancement and overwhelmed by capitalism. People, forced to engage in this fast, ever-changing world, are struggling to find and express their identities while providing for their families.

  • Adversity begets growth

    Jul 21, 2023

    Ever since humanity learned the art of speech, storytelling has been one of the most effective ways of passing down teachings, traditions and lessons from the past to the future generations. Since not many people were able to learn the art of written communication, oral transmission became almost the norm.

  • Why is the Word not accepted into our hearts?

    Jul 14, 2023

    This Sunday we have the special privilege of hearing Jesus Himself interpreting one of His parables. He gives three basic reasons why the Word is not accepted into our hearts: lack of understanding, lack of discipline, lack of prioritisation.

  • Harmonising Science and Faith

    Jul 07, 2023

    Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Archbishop Emeritus John Ha

  • Choose God above all else

    Jun 30, 2023

    Today’s Gospel passage is one that causes some of us to lose sleep. Ok, maybe not lose sleep perhaps but causes us to worry a little.

  • Remain steadfast in the face of adversity

    Jun 23, 2023

    The readings for the 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A are a powerful reminder of God’s love and mercy for His people.

  • We have a God with a Heart for us. Do we have a heart for others?

    Jun 17, 2023

    This Sunday’s reading assures us that God always has a heart for us, and we who live in the kindness of God’s love and mercy are called to do the same for others.

  • Real presence of Christ is in the Eucharist

    Jun 09, 2023

    The Solemnity of Corpus Christi, or the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, originated in France in the mid 13th century and was extended to the whole Church by Pope Urban IV in 1264. This feast reminds us of the mystical and physical manifestations of the Body of Christ, namely the

  • Understanding God as Trinity

    Jun 02, 2023

    Today the Church commemorates Trinity Sunday. We might have heard that sermons and lectures about the Trinity usually conclude with the caution that it is beyond comprehension and that we may never be able to fully understand it.

  • Let us be guided by the Holy Spirit

    May 26, 2023

    One of the enduring images associated with Pentecost is that of Mary and the disciples of Jesus, gathered in the upper room, with tongues of flames lingering above their heads, while the Holy Spirit descends upon them like a dove.