Pope Francis: Sept. 1 will be a day to pray for an Earth beset by ‘ecological crisis’
Aug 11, 2015
Pope Francis, intensifying his call to address climate change, has designated Sept. 1 as an annual day to ask God’s help in protecting the Earth and to ask God’s forgiveness for “since committed against the world in which we live.”
Pope Francis: Say a prayer for creation
Aug 11, 2015
Catholics now have one more thing to pray about: the environment.
Why Pope Francis's U.S. Visit poses a challenge to congress
Aug 11, 2015
A political pope is sure to seize his opportunity when he addresses a political body. So both Democrats and Republicans are looking forward to Pope Francis' remarks to Congress next month - and bracing for them, too.
Pope: Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a permanent warning to humanity. An end to war!
Aug 10, 2015
The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki "have become the symbol of the enormous destructive power of man when he misuses his advances in science and technology, and are a permanent warning to humanity" to make a commitment to peace”, said Pope Francis after the Angelus today.
Archbishop Cupich will attend synod, Vatican source says
Aug 10, 2015
Originally selected as an alternate synod delegate, Archbishop Blase Cupich of Chicago will in fact be an attendee at the Vatican gathering on the family this fall, a Vatican source told.
The Pope's new doctor is an expert in liver disease, surgical medicine
Aug 10, 2015
The Vatican announced Saturday that Pope Francis has selected Professor Fabrizio Soccorsi – an expert in liver diseases and surgical medicine – as his new personal doctor, who will accompany Francis on his upcoming trip to the United States and Cuba.
'No to war!' – Pope pushes for nuclear disarmament on atomic bomb anniversary
Aug 10, 2015
On Sunday Pope Francis said the “horrific” atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the icon of man’s destructive misuse of scientific progress, and called for an end to all nuclear arms and weapons of mass destruction.
Pope to Knights: Thank you for your steadfast witness to truth of marriage
Aug 10, 2015
Pope Francis thanked the Knights of Columbus for their support of Christian marriage in a message to their 133rd Supreme Convention this week. The letter comes less than two months before the Pope’s visit to the United States for the World Meeting of Families at the end of September.
A new step in thawing relations between China and the Holy See?
Aug 07, 2015
In a tiny victory for Vatican-Chinese rapprochement, China's government now recognizes seminary studies and allows seminarians to continue their education in a state university should they leave.
With a tap on an iPad, Pope Francis registers for World Youth Day 2016
Aug 07, 2015
Pope Francis has invited the youth of the world on pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2016--and on Sunday he became the first pilgrim to register himself.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD