Pope fills the leadership gap left by world’s politicians
Jun 26, 2015
The publication of the Pope’s encyclical Laudato Si’: On the Care of Our Common Home, is of enormous significance. He has shown great wisdom and leadership.
Francis’ Laudato Si’ is a new literary genre not found in other encyclicals
Jun 26, 2015
'Laudato si' is not only an example of the Magisterium's social teaching: it also represents the birth of a new literary genre among papal documents.
In Middle East martyrdoms, Pope Francis sees seeds of Christian unity
Jun 26, 2015
Meeting with Syriac Orthodox leaders on Friday, Pope Francis decried the continuing martyrdom of Middle East Christians, and gave special mention to two Christian bishops kidnapped in Syria two years ago.
Christians and Muslims should unite against religious violence
Jun 26, 2015
In a message to the world’s Muslims, issued for Ramadan, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue has called for cooperative action against religious violence.
UN chief hails Encyclical: Spotlighting climate change as critical ‘moral issue’
Jun 26, 2015
United Nations Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the release of Pope Francis’ Encyclical in which he deplored climate change as one of the principal challenges facing humanity and called for a ‘new dialogue’ about shaping the future of our planet.
The one theologian you need to know about when reading Laudato Si'
Jun 26, 2015
With so many interpretations being presented for Pope Francis’ new encyclical, Fr. Robert Barron says only one theologian can give us the proper context for reading Laudato Si': Romano Guardini.
CDF reportedly judges Medjugorje apparitions false, but permits pilgrimage
Jun 26, 2015
If reports in Italian media outlets are to be believed, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith met June 24 to discuss the alleged Marian apparitions in Medjugorje, reaching the conclusion that they are inauthentic, but recognizing the site as a place of prayer.
For Archbishop Chaput, Vatican synod, Philly family meeting providentially linked
Jun 26, 2015
Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia sees a providential link between September’s World Meeting of Families and October’s Synod on the Family.
Pope exhorts future Vatican diplomats to bring Christ's face to the world
Jun 26, 2015
Pope Francis told the graduating class of Holy See ambassadors on Thursday that their main mission is to be Christ’s representatives to the world.
Francis on Turin: “I truly felt at home”
Jun 25, 2015
Towards the end of his General Audience today, Pope Francis recalled his recent visit to Turin.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD