Pope talks Medjugorje, coming encyclical on return from Bosnia
Jun 08, 2015
On his return flight from Sarajevo to Rome Pope Francis told journalists a final decision on the highly debated Mejugorje apparitions could be close, and disclosed the “cancer” of consumerism as a theme in his coming encyclical on human ecology.
Pope tells Bosnians to be 'tenacious' workers for peace
Jun 08, 2015
During his daytrip to a country still marred by the effects of a recent war, Pope Francis said peace is not something that happens passively, but instead requires passionate action on the part of all.
Pope to Peruvian pro-lifers: 'Keep shaking things up'
Jun 08, 2015
Upon seeing pictures from the 2015 March for Life in Lima, Peru, Pope Francis had a message for the faithful of the South American country: “keep shaking things up.”
Twenty years after war, Bosnians working to reclaim first victim: trust
Jun 08, 2015
A key Muslim figure in Bosnia said that “mutual trust” was the first victim of the country’s recent war – and is something each of their four main religious populations are still working to regain.
Pope leads Rome's Corpus Christi procession on behalf of persecuted Christians
Jun 05, 2015
Persecuted Christians were remembered during Thursday's Corpus Christi procession in Rome, where Pope Francis told the thousands taking part to walk and pray in unity with those who cannot express their faith so openly.
Catholics voice hope that Pope Francis will build bridges in Bosnia
Jun 05, 2015
Pope Francis will find a country still suffering from ethnic and religious suspicion when he visits Bosnia and Herzegovina this weekend, but some hope that his visit will help encourage unity.
Council reviews worldwide input for Family Synod document
Jun 04, 2015
Pope Francis and members of the council of the Synod of Bishops met to review input from around the world for October’s Synod on the Family and made their final suggestions for the synod’s working document.
Pope calls for reorientation of catechesis away from ‘simply scholastic sphere’
Jun 04, 2015
Pope Francis has called for a reorientation of the Catholic church's way of educating people in the faith, saying the process of catechesisshould steer away from using "simply the scholastic sphere" in order to teach people to encounter and follow Christ.
Pope: The Holy Trinity exhorts us to live
Jun 04, 2015
Pope Francis says that Holy Trinity Sunday exhorts us to live “one with the other”, to “welcome the beauty of the Gospel message” and to learn to ask forgiveness
Pope Francis: War, greed, consumerism, 'cult of appearance' harm families
Jun 04, 2015
Families are weakened and destroyed by war, "the mother of all forms of poverty," as well as by economies and policies that worship money and power, Pope Francis said
Sunday Reflection
The miracle begins when the wine runs out
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Rawi Alexander, OFM, Cap