Environment encyclical takes bold stance on controversial issues
Jun 19, 2015
In his newly released encyclical on the environment, Pope Francis did not hesitate to wade into controversial topics, making statements on global warming, pollution, species extinction and global inequality’s impact on natural resources.
Vatican: Encyclical aims to promote common good, not take sides
Jun 19, 2015
The Vatican's presentation of Pope Francis' new encyclical said the intent behind the document goes beyond political debates, aiming for something more essential: the well-being of all creation.
Pope Francis: Concern for poor is a sign of faith, not communism
Jun 18, 2015
Focusing on poverty and sacrificing for the poor are the heart of the Gospel, not signs of communism, Pope Francis has said at his morning Mass.
Indian police arrest suspect in death threat against cardinal
Jun 18, 2015
Police arrested a man in connection with a death threat against Cardinal Telesphore Toppo, archbishop of Ranchi.
Embrace the message of my encyclical, Pope urges faithful
Jun 18, 2015
Pope Francis has urged Catholics to welcome the encyclical on the environment which is due out today.
Pope asks for “forgiveness for the people and institutions who close the door
Jun 18, 2015
An invitation to "ask forgiveness for the people and institutions that close the door" to refugees, and another to welcome “the encyclical which will be published tomorrow on the "common home" with open hearts.
Pope: Don't blame God when someone dies – trust in the resurrection
Jun 18, 2015
Instead of blaming God when a parent loses a child – or vice versa – families should remember that because of Christ's resurrection death does not have the final say, Pope Francis said.
Pope Francis: Receive new encyclical with 'open heart'
Jun 18, 2015
Speaking one day before its official release to the public, Pope Francis is asking for people to have an “open heart” when they read his latest encyclical dedicated to the environment.
A meeting to remember: seminarians chat with Benedict XVI
Jun 18, 2015
Several enthusiastic seminarians met with Benedict XVI at the Vatican Gardens on Tuesday – even though it is their exam time, they did not want to miss the chance to meet the Pope emeritus.
One initiative for each month of the Holy Year
Jun 17, 2015
Soup runs for the poor, residences, after-school activities, hostels, family counselling, centres for the social reintegration of prisoners.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD