Pope Francis brings down hammer, says 'Don’t mess with children'
Apr 09, 2015
Pope Francis said Wednesday that children are never a mistake, and called adults out for building faulty systems that leave children exploited and abandoned, rather than treated as the blessings they are.
Pope to international community: Do not ignore persecuted christians
Apr 08, 2015
"I hope that the international community does not remain mute and inert in front of such an unacceptable crime, which constitutes an alarming breach in the most basic of human rights."
Pope Francis sends rosaries, Easter cakes to Iraqi Christians
Apr 08, 2015
The Solemn Easter Vigil in Erbil, Iraq, concluded in a spirit of joyful celebration with the distribution of dove-shaped Easter cakes and rosaries sent by Pope Francis to thousands of Chaldean Christians displaced by ISIS.
Pope: On the persecution of Christians, the international community should
Apr 07, 2015
During Monday’s Regina Caeli, Pope Francis made another firm appeal to the international community "not to stand by mute and inactive" in front of ''the unacceptable crime” in which “our brothers and sisters are persecuted, exiled, killed, and beheaded for the mere fact of being Christian."
St Peter’s Basilica goes dark for Earth Hour
Apr 06, 2015
The lights went out on St Peter’s Basilica for one hour on Saturday evening (Mar 28), joining once again the international ‘Earth Hour’ effort to raise awareness about climate change.
Francis surprises homeless people on tour of Sistine Chapel
Apr 06, 2015
Pope Francis surprised a group of homeless people by joining them on a private tour of the Sistine Chapel, reports The Catholic Herald.
Pope sends messages of solidarity to suffering Christians in Iraq, Nigeria
Apr 06, 2015
Cardinal Fernando Filoni, the prefect of the Congregation for Evangelization, travelled to Iraq to spend Holy Week and Easter with embattled Christians there, the Vatican announced.
Pope's Easter message: In this violent world, what we need is Christ's resurrection
Apr 06, 2015
Pope Francis reminded Christians this Easter of the strength which comes from Christ’s death and resurrection, calling them to be witnesses of peace and justice, especially for those suffering today in regions of extreme violence and persecution.
Pope Francis' Homily at Easter Vigil
Apr 06, 2015
The Lord is not sleeping; the Watchman is watching over his people (cf. Ps 121:4), to bring them out of slavery and to open before them the way to freedom.
Pope's Meditation After Via Crucis Procession
Apr 06, 2015
Here is the translation of the Pope's meditation after the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross), which took place at the ancient Colosseum of Rome on Good Friday.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD