Pope Francis on the family synod: 'We need prayers, not gossip'
Mar 26, 2015
During his weekly general audience Pope Francis spoke about the gift and call of the Christian family, and urged attendees to pray for the intentions of the upcoming Synod of Bishops on the family.
Synod leader: The Pope’s ‘great revolution’ is one of ‘language and attitudes’
Mar 26, 2015
In an address to the bishops of Slovakia, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops said that “the great revolution” of Pope Francis is “the revolution of language and attitudes, in integral fidelity to the doctrine of all time, the revolution of tenderness and mercy.”
Pope: "May Holy Week will help us leave behind the temptation to be ‘Yes, but Christians...'"
Mar 25, 2015
"May this Holy Week, which will begin Sunday, help us to leave behind this temptation to become ‘Yes, but Christians...'", to not have "spiritual whims" before God, Who offers salvation in thousands of ways.
Vatican invites 150 homeless for dinner, private tour of Sistine Chapel
Mar 25, 2015
In addition to food, umbrellas, sleeping bags, showers and haircuts, the Vatican is now offering Rome’s homeless the gift of beauty.
A new hope: The Church of Naples after Pope Francis' visit
Mar 25, 2015
Pope Francis’ visit to Naples on Saturday fostered the commitment of the local Church to combat corruption and to continue work on the ground that has already born much fruits in the city's peripheries, according to an official.
Marian Basilicas around the world commemorate 'Evangelium Vitae'
Mar 25, 2015
An international vigil will take place in 4 major Marian basilicas around the world to commemorate the 20thanniversary of the St. John Paul II's encyclical "Evangelium Vitae".
Pope: Where there is no mercy, there is no justice, not even in the Church
Mar 24, 2015
Even in the Church where there is no mercy, there is no justice - "the Bible tells us that mercy is a just judgment."
20 years of Evangelium Vitae: Vatican announces prayer vigil, rosary for life
Mar 24, 2015
An international prayer vigil prepared by the Vatican will recognize the 20th anniversary of Evangelium Vitae, the encyclical of Saint John Paul II dedicated to the value and inviolable nature of human life.
Rome's poor receive 1,000 pounds of food from Pope Francis
Mar 24, 2015
Pope Francis is sending half a ton of food to families suffering hardships in Rome’s Tor Bella Monaca neighborhood.
Pope: Offer the Gospel, the crucifix, and witness to those who are seeking Jesus
Mar 24, 2015
Reflecting on the Gospel reading at Mass (Jn. 12:20-33), Pope Francis said at his March 22 Angelus address that we should offer the Gospel, the crucifix, and witness to those who are seeking Christ.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD