Pope Francis has called for a Holy Year of Mercy – so what does that mean?
Mar 19, 2015
The Pope's surprise announcement of a holy year for mercy has Catholics weighing in on the significance of the move, which some say can be boiled down to this: Francis wants us to know how much God loves us.
Pope: The Church is "Jesus' home" whose doors are always open which the Christian community cannot close
Mar 18, 2015
The Church always keeps its doors open. "It is Jesus' home and Jesus welcomes" everyone. Christian communities cannot keep their "doors closed," said Pope Francis in this morning's Mass at Domus Sanctae Marthae.
Nothing to toast between China and the Vatican: Beijing wants complete control
Mar 18, 2015
We do not know whether to laugh or cry, whether to toast or grieve over the statements expressed by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei, published in the Global Times on 13 March.
Pope Francis Names New Apostolic Nuncio to Cuba
Mar 18, 2015
The Holy See announced today that Pope Francis has named Archbishop Giorgio Lingua, the Apostolic Nuncio in Iraq and Jordan as the Apostolic Nuncio in Cuba.
Pope: We are in God's heart and mind
Mar 17, 2015
God never forgets us; he thinks about us and wants us to be joyful. These were the words of Pope Francis during his morning homily at Santa Marta on Monday.
Pope to bishops of Bosnia and Herzegovina: You are called to be fathers to all
Mar 17, 2015
In an audience on Monday morning with the Bishops of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Pope Francis called on them "to promote a solid social pastoral ministry in relation to the faithful."
Vatican: no papal endorsement for LGBT Catholic video
Mar 17, 2015
A Vatican official says there will be no papal endorsement for an LGBT activist video whose backers want it to reach Pope Francis.
Pope Francis: World is trying to hide persecution of christians
Mar 17, 2015
Following his Sunday Angelus address, the Pope appealed for peace following a terrorist attack at two Churches in Lahore, Pakistan.
Pope grieves Pakistan bombings, says world hides Christian persecution
Mar 16, 2015
In his Sunday Angelus address Pope Francis lamented today’s terrorist attacks against two Christian churches – one of them Catholic – in Pakistan, and prayed that such violence will stop.
Pope to teachers: Engage with peripheries in your classrooms
Mar 16, 2015
Pope Francis has called on teachers to engage with the peripheries within their own classrooms, loving their students for their limitations as well as their potential.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD