Man who tried to kill John Paul II takes flowers to his tomb
Jan 08, 2015
Exactly 31 years after St. John Paul II personally forgave him for shooting and trying to assassinate him, Mehmet Ali Agca returned to the Vatican with a bunch of white roses and laid them at the late pope's tomb.
Catholic population up 15 million worldwide
Jan 08, 2015
The world’s Catholic population increased by 15 million in the past year, with some growth on every continent, according to new statistics from the Fides news service.
Pope Francis' new cardinals shed light on Church's minorities
Jan 08, 2015
In his Sunday Angelus address Pope Francis announced the names of the 15 bishops to be created cardinal electors in February, many of whom hail from small dioceses which have never before had a cardinal.
Pope Francis prays for ongoing AirAsia search
Jan 08, 2015
In his Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis promised his prayers for families affected by the disappearance of an AirAsia jet carrying 162 people.
Urbi Et Orbi Pope Francis’ Christmas Message
Jan 08, 2015
Jesus, the Son of God, the Saviour of the world, is born for us, born in Bethlehem of a Virgin, fulfilling the ancient prophecies. The Virgin’s name is Mary, the wife of Joseph.
Upcoming presidential elections should not derail papal visit
Jan 08, 2015
Catholic church leaders in Sri Lanka are pushing ahead with preparations for Pope Francis' Jan. 13-15 trip to their country, banking on the politicians' promise that presidential elections scheduled five days ahead of the papal visit would be free of violence.
The holiest event Lankan Catholics awaited for 303 years
Jan 08, 2015
Sri Lankan Catholics are looking forward to Pope Francis’ canonization of Blessed Joseph Vaz Jan. 14, but the enthusiasm and eagerness of Father Cosme Jose Costa stands apart.
Pope’s pilgrimage to Sri lanka
Jan 08, 2015
Pope Francis will travel to Sri Lanka Jan. 13-15. Msgr Nevin Perera, the coordinator of Sri Lankan migrants in Italy, explained that Pope Francis is set arrive in Colombo the morning of Jan 13 around 9 or 9:30am, and will leave for Manila, in the Philippines the morning of Jan. 15.
Vatican releases details on upcoming papal trip to Sri Lanka and the Philippines
Jan 08, 2015
The Vatican released details on Pope Francis' upcoming visit to Sri Lanka and the Philippines next week. The trip, which will take place from January 12-19, will be the Holy Father's second trip to Asia, following his Apostolic Visit to South Korea in August 2014.
Church expanding commitment to Ebola response
Jan 08, 2015
The Catholic Church continues to help fight the devastating Ebola virus.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD