Tea and cake for Pope Francis as he celebrates 78th birthday
Dec 18, 2014
Shouts of “Tanti auguri” – or, “Happy Birthday!” – filled St. Peter's Square Wednesday morning as Pope Francis circled around throngs of pilgrims on his popemobile during the weekly general audience.
Vatican, Pope played key role in US-Cuba prisoner release
Dec 18, 2014
The Vatican played a critical role behind a prisoner exchange and a groundbreaking new policy between U.S. and Cuba announced on Wednesday, senior administration officials said.
Final report: Vatican thanks women religious, stresses focus on Christ
Dec 17, 2014
The Vatican has published the results of its apostolic visitation examining the quality of religious communities across the U.S. in a report described as realistic yet encouraging.
For Archbishop Chaput, Holy Family holds lesson on immigration
Dec 17, 2014
Faithful Catholics “need to remember that the Holy Family too was once a family of immigrants and refugees,” Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia said on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Pope: God saves "a repentant heart," while he who does not trust in Him draws "condemnation" upon himself is born amid refugee containers
Dec 17, 2014
God saves "a repentant heart," while he who does not trust in Him draws "condemnation" upon himself. This message was at the heart of Pope Francis's homily during morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta.
Pope: The heart of Christians "is built on the rock" and not "plastered over" in a "cast" of discipline"
Dec 16, 2014
Christian should have a strong heart, a firm heart, a heart built on the rock, that is Christ " and not "plastered over" in a "cast" of discipline" they are "lovable, forgiving, understanding of others" and not hypocritical and attentive only to the "facade".
US asks Vatican to help relocate Guantanamo inmates
Dec 16, 2014
On Monday, the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met briefly with his Vatican counterpart, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, to discuss issues of common concern and to seek the Holy See's aid in relocating Guantanamo detainees.
Archbishop of Colombo: Have faith, Pope Francis will bring peace to Sri Lanka
Dec 16, 2014
"Pope Francis' visit will bring unity and peace to Sri Lanka.
On the "Sunday of Joy", pope gives a prayer booklet, telling the faithful to "always carry it"
Dec 15, 2014
During the Angelus, on the third Sunday of Advent, the "Sunday of Joy," Pope Francis gave everyone in St Peter's Square a pocketbook of prayers "for the various times of the day and for different situations in life".
Pope Francis: No such thing as gloomy-faced saints
Dec 15, 2014
Christian joy is borne out of nearness to Christ, said Pope Francis during his Angelus address for the third Sunday of Advent, adding that “gloomy-faced” saints are a contradiction.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD