The poor must not be exploited for profit
Dec 11, 2014
“The poor must not be seen as a means to making a profit!” Pope Francis used this phrase to stress the importance of volunteer work and giving freely, during today’s audience with the Federation of Christian Organizations for International Volunteer Service (FOCSIV).
Pope's message for peace focuses on solidarity against the many forms of modern slavery
Dec 11, 2014
In his message for the 48th World Day of Peace, Francis warned against becoming accomplices in the many forms of modern slavery.
Pope calls victims to be 'prophetic voices' against nuclear war
Dec 11, 2014
In a message to an international gathering on the impact of nuclear weapons, Pope Francis called on victims to be “prophetic voices” against the potential for destruction of persons and the planet.
Former Vatican librarian, a friend of Pope Francis, dies at 91
Dec 11, 2014
Cardinal Jorge Maria Mejia, a former prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Library and a longtime friend of Pope Francis, died on Tuesday Dec. 9.
The politics of Pope Francis: An anti-corruption, anti-ideology populism
Dec 10, 2014
Most people “still don’t know how Pope Francis thinks,” says a longtime Catholic observer who believes the Pope’s approach to politics is an ordinary path that rejects both corruption and elite ideological obsessions isolated from real people.
Pope: What makes the Church happy? Seeking lost sheep
Dec 10, 2014
Like a shepherd finding lost sheep, the Church is a joyful mother who goes out and seeks her lost children, inviting them to consolation of the tenderness of Jesus, said Pope Francis in his daily homily Tuesday.
Advent, "A time of hope for AIDS patients" in Vietnam
Dec 10, 2014
Advent is "a time of hope for people with AIDS. That is why the Church does everything it can so that they do not feel alone; at the same time, it promotes awareness about the risks linked to the disease".
For Francis, Mary teaches us to share with others the graces we receive
Dec 09, 2014
In his Angelus address for the feast of the Immaculate Conception on Monday, Pope Francis said because everything we have received is “a gift freely given by God,” we too must “become a gift for others.”
Pope: Church must improve marriage prep, strengthen families
Dec 09, 2014
Pope Francis in his latest interview reflected on October’s Extraordinary Synod on the Family, dismissing fears of doctrinal “collapse” while considering difficult topics like marriage preparation and the treatment of divorced and remarried Catholics.
Amid investigation, accounts of former Vatican Bank directors frozen
Dec 09, 2014
More than $19.6 million in the accounts of two former managers of the Institute for Religious Works, commonly known as the Vatican Bank or IOR, have been frozen by a Vatican prosecutor in the course of an investigation, it was announced Sunday.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD