Catholics, Muslims together condemn terrorist acts in name of religion
Nov 21, 2014
In a joint statement delivered Thursday, the Catholic-Muslim Forum condemned acts of terrorism, oppression, and violence, affirming it is never acceptable to use religion to justify such acts.
Pope at FAO: food is not a commodity subject to speculation, the hungry
Nov 21, 2014
The logic of the market place and the "primacy of profit" must be overcome in the battle against hunger and malnutrition.
Pope called alleged Spanish abuse victim, encouraged him to file charges
Nov 21, 2014
A Vatican source has confirmed to CNA that Pope Francis called a 24-year-old man in Spain who alleges he was the victim of sexual abuse a decade ago in the city of Granada.
Turkey's 53,000 Catholics happily awaiting Pope Francis
Nov 21, 2014
Turkey's small community of 53,000 Catholics – amid a population of 76 million – is anticipating Pope Francis' upcoming trip to the country with joyful hearts, says Istanbul's apostolic vicariate.
Pope: Jesus weeps for those who prefer comfort over conversion
Nov 21, 2014
In his homily on Thursday Pope Francis said that the Gospel scene in which Jesus wept for Jerusalem’s closed heart is repeated today with those in the Church who are afraid to let him work in their lives.
Few topics are more manipulated than hunger, Pope tells UN
Nov 21, 2014
Pope Francis on Thursday condemned the excessive consumption and misuse of food, saying that often the statistics surrounding the topic of hunger are twisted for the sake of national security.
Pope appeals for the Holy Land, "building peace is difficult, but living without peace is a torment"
Nov 20, 2014
"Building peace is difficult, but living without peace is a torment": this is the appeal for "courageous decisions for reconciliation and peace" that Pope Francis addressed "to the parties involved" in the conflict in the Holy Land the day after the massacre carried out in Jerusalem Kehilat Yaakov synagogue.
Pope Francis offers a lesson from a ham and cheese sandwich
Nov 20, 2014
Pope Francis brought laughter to a group of young people gathered at the Vatican Nov.15 when he quoted an Argentinean comedian’s metaphor about ham and cheese sandwiches in relation to the Christian life.
Pope: Jesus' call to conversion for Christians who are
Nov 19, 2014
Jesus makes three "calls to conversion" addressed to Christians who are "lukewarm"; who feel "comfortable" and those "of appearance", a call that is renewed by the Church in the last few weeks of 'liturgical year.
Pope: Christians living under false appearances are 'dead'
Nov 19, 2014
In his homily on Tuesday, Pope Francis spoke of how we must never be content with where we are in the spiritual life, but rather must seek constant conversion.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi