New Pope saints credited with fostering theology of women
May 19, 2014
Women in the Church offered praise for the works of newly-canonized Saints John XXIII and John Paul II, saying that they set a foundation for an expanding theology of women.
'Love transforms everything,' Pope tells sick, disabled
May 18, 2014
Pope Francis met with nearly 5,000 members of apostolates dedicated to the sick and suffering on Saturday, encouraging them to live lives transformed by love and to support others who suffer.
Pope Francis postpones engagements due to cold
May 17, 2014
The Holy See announced that Pope Francis’ activities today have been canceled due to a minor cold, and that his weekend visit to a Roman shrine is also postponed so he can rest before going to the Holy Land.
Pope Francis postpones engagements due to cold
May 17, 2014
The Holy See announced that Pope Francis’ activities today have been canceled due to a minor cold, and that his weekend visit to a Roman shrine is also postponed so he can rest before going to the Holy Land.
Heresies sprout from getting lost in 'ideas,' Pope warns
May 17, 2014
In his daily homily Pope Francis explained that it takes more than intellectual assent to truly get to know Jesus – we must also develop a personal relationship of joy through prayer and works.
“Bother your pastors” Pope Francis’ advice to Catholics
May 16, 2014
In his address to pilgrims in St Peter's Square on Sunday, May 11,Pope Francis departed from his prepared script and told them to "knock at the doors" of their pastors, saying it would make them better bishops and priests.
The Church is not a factory to manufacture obstacles
May 16, 2014
The Church is not " a factory to manufacture obstacles that prevent people from receiving grace", said Pope Francis this morning during Mass celebrated at Casa Santa Marta, commenting on the passage from the Acts of the Apostles, which highlights the three crystalline qualities of a Christian: docility to the Spirit, dialogue, trust in grace.
New prayer released for Pope’s Holy Land pilgrimage
May 16, 2014
The priest who is organizing Pope Francis’ upcoming visit to Jordan has written a special prayer for the occasion with the aim of allowing the world to participate.
Promote ethical mobilization confront throwaway culture
May 15, 2014
Pope Francis has challenged UN officials to promote “a true, worldwide ethical mobilization,” to encourage help for the poor and preserve the dignity of human life against the inroads of a “throwaway culture.”
Pope: gift of fortitude not just for 'extraordinary circumstances'
May 15, 2014
During his General Audience address Wednesday, Pope Francis spoke on the gift of fortitude, explaining that it helps us to remain faithful not only with the big things, but also in our daily activities.
Sunday Reflection
Trap of the human heart
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Dr Lawrence Ng Yew Kim