Forgiveness of sins comes only from Jesus
Apr 16, 2014
“Christianity is not a philosophical doctrine,” Pope Francis told his congregation at Mass on April 8. “It’s not a program for life survival, or education, or peacemaking.”
Pope washed the feet of disabled people on Holy Thursday
Apr 16, 2014
On Holy Thursday Pope Francis celebrated the In Coena Domini Mass at the St Mary of Providence Centre of the Don Gnocchi Foundation in Rome, where he washed the feet of 12 disabled residents.
Pope honours Jesuit killed in Syria
Apr 16, 2014
Pope Francis said the assassination of "my confrere," a 75-year-old Dutch Jesuit in Syria, "filled me with deep sadness and made me think again of all the people who suffer and are dying in that martyred country."
Consider the use of energy in relation to justice and peace
Apr 16, 2014
The Vatican body concerned with justice and peace presented a book Friday which considers their connection with energy, and how energy can both threaten and serve integral human development.
Where is your heart before the suffering Jesus?
Apr 16, 2014
In the narrative of Christ’s Passion and Death, who am I?This was the central question of Pope Francis’ homily during Palm Sunday Mass in Saint Peter’s Square, where 100,000 had gathered from around the world, bearing palms and olive branches.
Logo and motto unveiled for papal visit to Korea
Apr 16, 2014
The Holy See has released the official motto and logo for Pope Francis’ upcoming visit to South Korea, which is the first time a Roman Pontiff has traveled to the country in since John Paul II went 25 years ago.
Have Christians a future in the Middle East?
Apr 16, 2014
Christianity has its roots in the Middle East. In Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt, Christians were the majority well before Islam arrived.
British woman appointed by Pope to head Pontifical Academy
Apr 15, 2014
Pope Francis has appointed Lady Margaret Scotford Archer as president of a group of scholars dedicated to studying issues in the social sciences in order to offer reflection and advice to the leadership of the Church.
Pope: Meditate on Christ's passion during Holy Week
Apr 15, 2014
In his Palm Sunday homily, Pope Francis urged the congregation to consider how their actions and attitudes reflected the various characters in the story of Jesus’ passion and death.
Pope expresses solidarity, comfort for fire victims in Chile
Apr 15, 2014
Pope Francis voiced his spiritual closeness to all those affected by the fire in Valparaíso, Chile, that so far has left 12 dead and has destroyed some 2,000 homes.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi