Reaching out and connecting with children
Jun 18, 2016
A group of teachers from Sekolah Rendah Stella Maris (Ampang) visited the children of Kampung Mongkos on Gawai (June 1).
Youths embark on Outreach Project for the Orang Asli
Jun 17, 2016
Catechism is not confined to just sharing the faith using assigned textbooks. Students should live the faith, more so during this Jubilee Year of Mercy.
You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world
Jun 17, 2016
Twenty-four students from the Church of St Theresa, who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on June 25, attended a retreat at St Pio’s Friary and Spiritual Centre, Ulu Tiram, Johor May 28-29.
Encouraging youths to be open to God’s prompting
Jun 17, 2016
On May 22, the Archdiocesan Vocation Promotion Team (AVPT) once again went on their mission to promote vocation awareness, this time touching souls at the parish of St Peter and St Paul.
Outreach programme by catechism ministry
Jun 14, 2016
In conjunction with the Year of Mercy, the catechism ministry of St Anthony’s Church engaged in an outreach programme which aims to demonstrate Christ’s radical love through tangible acts of mercy and charity.
A one-day trip to the Church of St Jude
Jun 14, 2016
The main purpose of the trip was to give all the Differently Abled Children the experience of travelling in a train, as well as to visit St Jude’s Church.
At SAC,23 youths are confirmed
Jun 14, 2016
Parishioners of the Church of St Anthony celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord, or Corpus Christi, on May 29 during the 9.15am Mass.
Retreat for confirmation students
Jun 14, 2016
The Confirmation Retreat, the final preparation for the confirmands from the Church of St Joseph was held from May 2729 at the Church of St Theresa.
Pope tells youth to support refugees
Jun 13, 2016
At the Vatican’s “summit on the migrant emergency” meeting in Italy, Pope Francis urged hundreds of children to fearlessly embrace refugees coming int
KB youth raise substantial funding from Run For Health
Jun 13, 2016
Youth of St Edmund Parish here managed to raise substantial funding from their first ever running event.
Sunday Reflection
The miracle begins when the wine runs out
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Rawi Alexander, OFM, Cap