Penang diocese holds pre-World Youth Day preparation
May 05, 2016
It was a sunny and beautiful Saturday morning, April 9, when a group of young people, together with Fr Simon Anand and Sr Margarete Sta Maria, FdCC, gathered at the Community AIDS Service Penang in Bukit Mertajam.
Hundred and eight youths confirmed at SIC
May 05, 2016
“Why are you a Catholic? Why are you still a Catholic?” These were the first two questions asked by His Grace Archbishop Julian Leow, to 108 confirmands, as well as parishioners attending Sunset Mass on Saturday, April 23 at St Ignatius Church.
Easter Retreat for Single Young Adults
May 05, 2016
Friday, after work is, in general terms, famous for its horrendous traffic congestion.
Sabah Youth Day: Testimony
May 02, 2016
A short testimony on the meaning of the cross from the representatives of both St Peter’s Kunak and St Jude’s Semporna was inspiring.
Serve others with the love and compassion of God
May 02, 2016
The second Altar Servers camp was organized by the Cathedral of St Mary Sandakan, where 77 altar servers from the Cathedral of St Mary, as well as oth
All prepared for the Fourth Sabah Youth Day
May 02, 2016
Sabah Youth Day (SYD) is a Church event in collaboration with the youth, for the youth and of the youth.
Youths of Markpeter organize a gathering with students
May 02, 2016
The youths of Markpeter organized a meeting with students from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and Kolej Politeknik who came to the Church of St Peter
Project David — creating leaders
Apr 22, 2016
They say leaders are born, not created. Project David 2016 proved otherwise in just 4 short days.
Youths offer comfort to KL’s homeless
Apr 22, 2016
While most were winding down in the comfort of their homes after yet another intensely hot day, a group of mostly young people gathered at a corner outside Central Market at 9pm last Wednesday, Apr 13.
Discover God’s love and mercy through his teachings
Apr 22, 2016
A confirmation camp by Martin Jalleh was held March 11-13 for the Forms 4 and 5 students of the Church of the Divine Mercy.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD