60 days to the 4th Sabah Youth Day
Apr 07, 2016
This time the Diocese of Sandakan is hosting the 4th Sabah Youth Day 2016 at Holy Trinity Church Tawau.
New Campus Ministers in Diocese of Melaka-Johor
Apr 01, 2016
Melaka-Johor Diocese Campus Ministry would like to welcome Jameson Tan as the new Campus Minister as they bid farewell to Sharon Lee who had completed her three-year term.
Humanity is Equality
Apr 01, 2016
The Youth, from the Church Of the Visitation, organized Compassion Walk Seremban in conjunction with Lent.
CHOICE holds joint twolanguages weekend
Apr 01, 2016
CHOICE Kuala Lumpur once again conducted a joint two-languages weekend, CHOICE English 97 and CHOICE BM KL 3, at the Archdiocese Pastoral Centre March 11 - 13, 2016.
Francis encourages WYD organizers
Apr 01, 2016
Pope Francis gave encouragement to the organizers of this year’s World Youth Day (WYD) gathering on Sunday, March 20, saying in his weekly Angelus address in St Peter’s Square, that he sent his greetings to all those preparing for the event.
Comfort the Sorrowful — A consideration of the fourth Spiritual Work of Mercy
Apr 01, 2016
Continuing its vision of bringing teens closer to Christ, Life Teen Sacred Heart Cathedral Kota Kinabalu launched their new semester, themed Glorify recently.
Leaders gather for Penang Diocesan Youth Congress
Mar 23, 2016
For many of the youth leaders, it was their first time meeting their counterparts from different parishes.
Compassion Walk: Street Evangelisation
Mar 23, 2016
March 7-12, the Archdiocesan Youth and Single Adult Office (ASAYO)’s Compassion Walk was focused on Street Evangelisation.
From Muslim to Christian: I discovered the love of Jesus, to Him I give everything
Mar 21, 2016
Born to a Muslim father and a Hindu mother who had to convert to Islam to marry him, Sonam Shaikh never imagined that listening to Gospel at the midnight Mass would be “the first step towards embracing Christianity”.
Auschwitz sets up tour dates just for WYD pilgrims
Mar 18, 2016
The Auschwitz memorial and museum is setting aside days exclusively for World Youth Day pilgrims who want to tour the former Nazi death camp.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD