Make sure you are on the right side of Christ, confirmands urged
Sep 04, 2015
Twenty-three candidates from City Parish received the Sacrament of Confirmation during the Feast of the Assumption Eucharistic Celebration on Aug 16 at Church of Our Lady of Sorrows.
These students with special needs have a request of Pope Francis
Sep 04, 2015
A group representing Catholic students with intellectual disabilities is hoping a U.S. visit from Pope Francis could spark nothing less than a renaissance in Catholic education.
Mission Trip experience in New Zealand
Aug 26, 2015
I love shopping, and during these exciting expeditions, I can spend hours and hours and nothing, absolutely nothing can distract me.
Three beautiful celebrities who gave it all up
Aug 26, 2015
What makes a person happy? What makes a life worth living? Is it money? Fame? Popularity? Career success? We all know the answer, even if we don’t always live like we know it: not at all.
A homestay experience for Japanese and Indon students
Aug 26, 2015
Student exchange programmes are described as the most common intercultural exercise among schools and colleges.
Youths learn about the charismatic renewal in the Church
Aug 26, 2015
The Holy Trinity Parish Youth Ministry successfully organized their fifth monthly meeting on Aug 9 with 73 young people.
The role of friendship in helping young people with same-sex attraction
Aug 26, 2015
True friendship is vital in helping young people who are struggling with same-sex attraction but trying to live a chaste lifestyle, said a prominent gay Catholic blogger.
Beware the 'false peace' that comes from the devil
Aug 19, 2015
Pope Francis on Friday, Aug 7 told a group of youth that the greatest challenge in his vocation so far has been finding true peace, and encouraged them to learn how to discern between this peace, and the one offered by the devil.
Twin sisters run four businesses and only get three hours of sleep
Aug 19, 2015
The final year Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) students run their main business, Pisti Prints - a printing service for apparel, brochures and flyers - alongside three other businesses in marketing, landscaping and logistics.
Faith formation among the Indonesians
Aug 19, 2015
The Holy Trinity Church Tawau has a large Indonesian community, made up of migrants who have become residents in this area since a long time ago.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi