Parish Youth team undergoes Formation
Apr 23, 2015
The Christ the Light Chapel youth committee members were showered with a sense of renewed passion and strengthened faith as they journeyed on a three day leadership camp on March 20-22.
Remain Connected, Remain Committed, Remain Church
Apr 23, 2015
During the recent school holidays, the Youth Ministry of the Parish of St Francis of Assisi organised a Youth Retreat for their youth aged 18 to 21 years.
Youths leave Christ's fingerprints at Home
Apr 23, 2015
The Tamil-speaking youth from the Church of St Francis of Assisi (SFA) paid a visit to Rumah Chrestus, a children’s home, after the Sunday Eucharistic celebration on March 22.
Of Love and Sexuality
Apr 23, 2015
On March 20 and 21, the Youth and Campus Ministry of Melaka-Johor Diocese organised a No Apologies camp for Johor.
Secret to thriving youth ministry is relationships
Apr 23, 2015
Adolescents have a lot going on – school and parental demands, pressure from peers, developing brains and bodies.
Beauty in Nebraska: College’s transformed church hopes to help students be saints
Apr 22, 2015
On a Friday night in spring of 2010, nearly 150 Catholic students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln gathered at their Newman Center to share their ideas for a rebuilding project.
Christian footballer kicking down barriers in Pakistan
Apr 15, 2015
A slender, athletic teenage girl enters the premises of St Lawrence’s church, Karachi, and is promptly mobbed by dozens of kids gathered there for football practice.
Faith Formation sessions for adolescents
Apr 15, 2015
St Stephen Tass, one of the outstation churches under the Holy Trinity Parish, is situated about 20 kilometres from Tawau township.
Sandakan youth celebrate World Youth Day
Apr 15, 2015
The Catholic Apostolic Youth from the Parish of St Mary organized a special programme for about 80 participants on March 28-29 at the Parish Hall in conjunction with World Youth Day with the theme Happy are the pure in spirit for they shall see God.
Youths urged to be strong in their faith
Apr 15, 2015
The Church of St Thomas More, recently organized Youth Rally 2015. The event was held on March 28 after the sunset Mass for Palm Sunday.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD