
  • Diocesan Youth Apostolate Recollection and Meeting 2014

    Dec 11, 2014

    Members of the Diocesan Youth Apostolate (DYA) team convene every three months for their recollection and meeting. The 12th recollection and the 17th meeting, on 22nd and 23rd November 2014 was held at the Diocesan Youth Office, Sandakan.

  • Youth gives her life saving two teenaged girls from attackers

    Dec 11, 2014

    A young and brave Turkish woman heard the screams of two teenaged girls coming from the bathroom of a McDonald’s in Germany.

  • Wish tree for the underprivileged

    Dec 11, 2014

    A Wish Tree has been placed at a corner in St Anthony’s Church since the 1st Sunday of Advent. Wish Labels were hung on the tree and parishioners were encouraged to take a label and buy the gift stated on it. These Christmas gifts will be presented to the less fortunate kids.

  • Double joy at SFDS Church, Sitiawan

    Dec 11, 2014

    The mufti-lingual Eucharistic celebration for Confirmation and First Holy Communion on Nov 23 was celebrated by His Lordship Bishop Rt Rev Sebastian Francis, Bishop of Penang diocese and concelebrated with Fr Vincent Paul, parish priest.

  • Signs religious life might be right for you

    Dec 04, 2014

    Not long ago, a young woman posed this question to me: “Does God send signs?” She had been praying to God for a very specific sign that would alleviate any doubt in her mind once and for all that God indeed was calling her to consecrated religious life.

  • Called & Chosen Vocation Camp

    Dec 04, 2014

    From Nov 24 to 26, the Diocese of Melaka Johor Vocation Promotion Team and Youth Ministry collaborated to hold their first Vocation Camp for men called, ‘Called & Chosen’.

  • Celebrating Advent and Christmas

    Dec 04, 2014

    The First Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of a new ‘season’ – and a new Year (the Gospel of Matthew).

  • Preparatory meeting for the Third BILA on Youth

    Dec 04, 2014

    A preparatory meeting on the third Bishops’ Institute For Lay Apostolate (BILA) on Youth was held from Nov 11th to 14th in Sacred Heart Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu.

  • Christ is the shepherd, The King of our lives

    Dec 04, 2014

    More than a thousand parishioners attended the Eucharistic celebration of the last Sunday of the Year, “Jesus Christ, Universal King” at Holy Trinity Church Tawau on Sunday, November 23, 2014.

  • New local Tamil Christian CD album launched

    Dec 04, 2014

    Msgr Ionut Paul Strejac, the Secretary to the Apostolic Nuncio to Malaysia, officially launched a Tamil CD album titled “Neerae En Bondham,” consisting of ten locally composed Christian songs by Malaysian, Victoria Wilson; on Nov 22 at the Chapel of Christ The King in Selayang Baru.